I decided it would be better to start my own thread. Dd will be 14/15 for her 9th grade year in the fall. I have been advised to start with the Early American Lit package. My new question is do these have to be done in order or can we skip around and do some American and some World in the same year and throw a Shakespeare in there too, For example in the Early American guide I would not want to have dd read Moby Dick. I have tried to read it myself 3 times and just find it too boring. So, can we do books from different guides in one year or is it necessary to complete a guide before moving on to the other? Do they build on each other? I hope I am being clear.
Well, you might do the later American Lit. The thing I read said either American would be a good place to start.
And I want to encourage you to TRY Moby Dick. I have to confess, I have tried this book FOUR times and failed each time. I think it’s the dullest thing I’ve ever read. But my son—would you believe he LIKED it?????? He did–he tried it and liked it. DON’T TELL YOUR KIDS WHAT BOOKS YOU THINK ARE BORING. They may have a completely different point of view if they don’t hear it from peers and others. Keep open-minded, encourage them to keep open-minded, and you may just get surprised like I did! Now, it MAY be she won’t like it, in which case you can be a little flexible. But don’t TELL her she won’t. Try it and see.
I am also curious about this. I’d never heard of Lightning Lit before now, but it does look interesting. Still, I can see that many pkg seems to have book that would not appeal so much to boys and vice versa. Is it possible to leave selections out without ruining the flow of the program?
Would it be posible to buy the Shakespeare guide and only use 1 play a year? I was also thinking about doing the Early American then the world I for 9th grade and then the Mid American and World II for 10th since we will be doing Module 5 for 9th and Module 6 for 10th. A entire year of American Lit would be torture for dd.
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