More "Divisions" Question

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  • JulieEinTX

    Here is my next example: I want to cover 6 hymns (the ones in Module 1).  If I want to spend 6 wks on EACH hymn, how do I enter that into the organizer?   Would I enter all the hymns as chapters, and then when I go in after the end of a school day enter “worked on” until that 6 wks is covered?  In that case, I will need to make note on a separate calendar to remind me to move on to the next hymn?

    And at this point, I’m just getting totally confused, esp after entering info in the Planning Your CM Ed workbook.  Going back to the poetry example in my other thread, should I designate that I want to cover 18 poems from a specific book?  Or leave the divisions as “1” and rely on the “worked on” feature at the end of the school day?  

    Another example, I want my dd’s to practice piano 2x/wk.  Should I enter in 72 divisions (untitled) for the school year?  

    This is getting so confusing!  I really appreciate any help!

    Rachel White

    Okay, let me see if I can help. If I misunderstood something, please clarify.

    This is what I would do using your example:

    I would go to Scheduler and ‘add a resource’

    Under ‘Resource’ I would put in Module 1 HYMNs for the title.

    Under ‘DIVISION’, I would write HYMN.

    Then type in the name of each of the 6 hymns under the title along with

    the numbers 1-6.

    On the RESOURCE SCHEDULER page, customize the ‘study method’ to something like ‘study poem for 6 weeks’ and either give a ‘start date’ or a ‘use with Module 1’.

    Yes, click WORKED ON for 6 weeks, then when finished, click finsh and it will automatically flip to the #2, #3, #4, etc. hymn and start the process of clicking ‘worked on; for another 6 weeks. When your finshed at the end of the year with the entire resource, on #6, you’ll double-click and then click FINISH RESOURCE.

    You shouldn’t need to make a note on a calendar, but you should have that already entered on paper with the workbook anyway.

    Poetry: I answered on the other thread to enter it in for yourself. I would put in the name of the book under title (or the best method is to use just the ISBN and the title and book’s info. will fill-in automatically). Then under DIVISION, fill in POEM and then you could either just click to 18 and leave the titles blank or you could take the time to put the titles of each of the 18 poems-if you’re going to do all 18 poems, but will skip around, I suggest not filling in the names of the poems, just leave them as numbers 1-18. Some resources I put in every name of the chapter and some I do not. That’s up to you since you know how much info. you want to show up on both the DAILY PLAN and REPORTS.

    PIANO: no do not put in 72 divisions! LOL. SImply, on the SCHEDULER page, type in ‘Piano’ with ‘No Divisions’; then ont he Resource page, customize your study method to say something like: practice for _ minutes or however specific you want it to be (she may have a specific book you want to sow up for her to use). Then mark the 2 days of the week that you want it done. That’s it! On the DAILY PLAN her practice will show up on the day you arranged for it to be before hand.

    Now, if you don’t think she’ll have set days to practice, then just mark everyday and then reduce it on the daily plan as needed and leave it open on the two days which you decide.

    Does all this make sense?


    Thank you do much, Rachel, for your replies!

    Rachel White

    My pleasure. If you need anything else, just ask.

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