Not that this will help with the water search, but I want to share a Netflix conversation I had a couple weeks ago. I had called for assistance in finding movies “by subject”. The lady told me that although it wasn’t available now, there was much discussion going on in how to improve the service for the ever-increasing number of homeschoolers subscribed. She said it would help if we would call and ask for that particular feature. Right now, you can only search by title. so, if “water” wasn’t in the title, you’ll have a hard time finding it.
They do have what’s called a “genre” search, but it is still very difficult to find what you’re looking for. There’s are 1000’s in the nature “genre” but all I want is one on zebra’s. Never did find one!
I absolutely love Netflix, it has blessed our homeschool enormously. But at times, it’s very frustrating. A search by subject feature would be a dream come true!
So Netflix subscribers…call!!