Moody Videos for 106 Days of Creation

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Moody Videos for 106 Days of Creation

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  • Chantelle

    My library doesn’t have these.  Cry   I’d like to use at least a few but fear I can’t afford to purchase them all.  Can anyone recommend the best 2-3 if that is all I can purchase. 

    Also, does anyone out there have these that would be willing to let me “rent” them from you?

    Sonya Shafer

    Library and Educational Services has the Moody Science segments, some in compilations, on DVDs for $5 each. I know you can get Power in Plants and Treasure Hunt together on one DVD for $5 there.


    I’ve seen the full length ones (19 set). What are the segment ones and which do you recommend?



    Once again you came through with the suggestion of Library and Educational Services. They are so nice and helpful (hmm… just like Simply Charlotte Mason). I now have my materials set to go. I could not find the Moody videos myself, I was told they were dicontinuing the sale of them at my usual school supplier. So thanks again for the help. Blessings to you and yours, MelanieC.

    Rachel White

    LES is also having a 1.95 s/h cost till the 22nd. They have many other resource, such as the Story Hour cd’s and Creation Science resources and history books at greatly reduced prices than found elsewhere.


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