Mom's Habits week of May 3

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits Mom's Habits week of May 3

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  • Esby

    First I want to start with the quote Sonya shared in last week’s thread. I love it: “It is pleasant to know that, even in mature life, it is possible by a little persistent effort to acquire a desirable habit” (Vol. 1, p. 135).

    Next, how did everyone do last week with their habit training?

    I did NOT do well. I started out fine, but by Thursday I FORGOT all about it. FORGOT?! How could I forget something I WANT to do? I remembered Sunday morning that I planned to start each day with 30 pleasant and meaningful minutes. I did recover by spending my Sunday morning with more than the 30 minutes (and the rest of the day was smoother because of it).

    But now we start the work/school week afresh. Any words of advice, quotes or scripture, stories to share? Is your habit-forming going well, easy, hard?

    Please check in (but if your habit is to stay off the computer during the day, check in during your free time!).


    I missed this last week but am in for this week! What a great idea. I find it funny that many of us have computer time habits. I too spend alot of time online and need to monitor that more clearly. I Imstant Message with friends (mostly my HmSc Mother friends) and we chat sporatically though out the day. For the most part this is very helpful in ‘How do you do this….What are you reading for… Have you started this project… Check out this resource…’. Much like the forum but a quicker paced encouragement! So, no more IM during school lessons for me. EEK! Did I say that out loud?! Obviously a good habit to form.

    I really like the quote above. Thank you for starting this idea Esby!



    I actually (surprisingly) did really well last week. Of course, that may be because we are packing and moving right now, and I haven’t really had time for the computer! ha! Innocent

    We are also taking the next couple of weeks off from school until we get unpacked and settled in our new home, which is really exciting. We’ve been hitting the books hard and heavy since January, so I thought we all deserved a break, and this is conveniently a good time to take one.

    I also really enjoyed the quote Sonya shared. Very encouraging!


    This week I’ll be working on the habit of getting up at the same time as my husband and reading my Bible for a little while before I shower and start my day.  I had been doing so well at this, but after a family disaster struck, I’m just now getting back to normal and haven’t been as consistent as I should…

    I can’t think of a better way to start each day, and Lord willing I’ll be able to give a good report next week!  Smile



    I did okay on computer time, could have done better.  I think I will stick with that one for another week.  I’m going to try printing out our schedules from the SCM organizer the night before and not even turn it on in the morning. 

    I love the quote, too! 


    I did well with my re-organizing of our home school, entering more resources on my SCM organizer and learning more what SCM has to offer.

    We just signed out Pharoah’s Boat! Wink

    I’ve decided to use module 1, I haven’t ordered the SCM book that goes with it yet, but am starting into it just a little because I can’t wait!  Even if in September we start from the “beginning” again that is fine with me.  There is so much to explore about Ancient civilizations that I’m sure we won’t run out of material!

    This week I want to continue with that as well as add in my daily household chores.  Since my April was Soooooooo crazy the house suffered.  So I hope to get on top of that and back into my old habits (which could use some improvement too)



    Well, I guess I did well overall.  Since sticking to my daily schedule also requires some reformation of the rest of the family it was a little slow going.  I had already been working on a “morning routine” for me and the kids complete with morning chores before school  and so I really went all out trying to concrete on that one.  I think it went well.  I am now trying to have a regular chore time, outside time, and bedtime routine.  The bedtime routine is starting off pretty rocky but surprisingly the afternoon chore times are not going too badly!  There is some complaining but I think that will get better quickly.  Now I just need to get my son to start school at the same time every day.  He likes to get going on it right away after his morning chores are done even if I am still trying to get mine done!  Then I end up having to stop my chores to help him with his work and end up taking twice as long to get my morning routine done!  I’m glad he is enjoying his schooling so much and I really don’t want to squelch that in him but I would prefer to do our family work first and have my own chores done.  Not to mention my dd3 usually needs some form of help/reinforcment in the morning chore time and it is difficult to juggle all of these things at once!  I’m not really sure how I’m going to handle that yetSealed.  I’m praying and hoping that God will provide me with an inspired answer to iron out all the little kinks in this routine.  Because I know it will work well if we can just stick to it and work through the wrinkles! 

      Well, that was long enough to give me a back cramp so I had better stop rambling.  Maybe my next habit should be to stop using so many words to get my point across!

      God Bless!  Miranda

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