Mom's Habits week of April 26

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits Mom's Habits week of April 26

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  • Esby

    In a thread about multi-tasking started last week, so many of us moms mentioned habits we need to improve. I thought I’d start a two-week project on this board where interested parents each pick ONE habit to work on and post about it. We can encourage each other. Perhaps posting about our habit training will motivate us when we’re away from the computer and facing our not-so-great habits.

    The habit I’m picking to work on is my morning routine. Several months ago someone posted about the Magic Hour (or Sacred Hour…I don’t recall the exact name). The idea is that you start the day doing something meaningful and enjoyable. I tried this is the kids, and it was wonderful! We only did 30 minutes rather than a full hour, but that time made a world of difference in the rest of our day. I woke up happy to work on my project and the creative work gave me energy to continue with the more mundane work of the day. I didn’t feel tempted throughout the day to shirk household responsibilities because I knew I would have time in the morning for my fun projects. But….then I stopped doing it. Why? I don’t know why I got into the unhappy habit of sleeping later than I want to and starting the day grumpy…but I want those magical 30 minutes back each day! It’s in my power to create an energetic and cheerful morning for my family, and that’s how I want to greet the day.

    So my habit for the next two weeks is to spend the first 30 minutes of the day working on a meaningful project that brings me joy, and to have my kids do that too.

    Anyone else want to pick a habit to work on this week?


    Wonderful idea!  But I have to think a little while first…

    Jodie Apple

    I can see how doing something creative, productive and enjoyable would give you the energy to do the more mundane tasks (and I’ve experienced this too);  but isn’t it strange how we tell ourselves that we must do our “to-do-lists” before we’ll allow ourselves to do something more enjoyable-even though it’s productive (like crocheting washcloths, sewing, etc.) and our to-do list rarely gets completely checked off, so we don’t get to the enjoyables?  I’ll pray for success for you in your endeavor!

    I’ve chosen “No computer time until schoolwork is finished” as my habit.  Today has been wonderful!!  We got so much accomplished and attitudes around here were impressive.  So much cooperation from everyone.  I’m thankful for a successful start and am praying for a strong finish with a lasting change.

    Thanks for starting this, Esby.


    This is great!  I’m inSmile

      I am picking the much needed habit of sticking to our schedule as closely as possible.  I sometimes tell myself that I am being flexible and that I will be able to get right back on schedule after “this one thing”  but that usually doesn’t happenEmbarassed.  Then the whole day changes and necessary things don’t happen.  Which affects my husband and kids, not just me.  This habit got started innocently enough because of long term illness as well as things like moving multiple times etc.  But the thing is,  it has continued to the point of being confusing and unsettling to the kids.  Not to mention frustrating and unrelaxing for my husband. 

      So, I resolve to stick as closely as possible to the schedule that I know is best for our family.  And I look forward to seeing what happens with our days as this becomes habit! 

      Thanks for starting this, it’s a great idea! 



    I’ll be working on no computer time until after lessons are finished, unless of course it is needed for a lesson.  I’ve been meaning to start working on this for some time now.  I think with Esby getting this started it is a good time to go for it; this will be a much needed encouragement.



    I need this, too—no computer time until after school is done.  I don’t know why it’s so hard.  There seems to always be something I feel I need to know right away, but as someone said before what is there that can’t wait 4 hours?  🙂  It really helps my day when I do this.  Thanks for starting this post!   :)Gina


    I’m going to work on catching my kids doing things right, and focus less on nitpicking.  When I do need to correct, I want to do at as gently as possible.  I have a bad habit of jumping down their throats. Frown  


    My kids are really great kids, and I need to acknowledge that more often.


    I, too, will forgo computer time until after lessons are finished. Today, I failed, but I will try again tomorrow.Embarassed



    I’m in too, the computer is a big distraction for me also, so maybe this is what I need to help with my “habbit” also 🙂

    I am going to try and relax more, sounds funny I know, but with all the hospital appointments and things, for my daughter, the house is not as I would like, the school for her is falling behind, and I get really worried about it all.  I need to stop worrying so much, and take a day at a time, and concentrate on getting my daughter’s medical needs met, and my other daughter’s school needs met – the rest will have to wait.  My husband has kept saying leave the housework and chores and things for now, we need to focus on our daughter, so I don’t get pressure from him, just from myself to try and be supermom.  I need to let God handle more of my issues, but a sick child is exhausting as I am sure a lot of you know.  So that is what I will work on – it is harder than I thought though!!  Great idea Esby – we all need support now and then.  Linda


    Mine is to enjoy my children more – looking into their eyes and smiling at them throughout the day, not because they did something that pleased me but just because I love them! I feel led to listen to Sonyas message “Reaching Your Childs Heart” again. I have been so encouraged by this. May God bless all your efforts! ~ Heather


    I’m a bit late joining in, but mine is to work on my eating habits. Specifically that I don’t actually sit down to eat – I use the time my kids eat to clean up the kitchen. Then I end up eating leftovers standing up.

    I also wanted to say THANK YOU. This website and forum have been a gift in my life, and I am grateful for what I’ve learned. I cringe to think what my family life would be like if I hadn’t learned about habit training – which I discovered here. I sure had no idea that obedience could be cultivated as habit! My homeschooling research has been done primarily through reading library books, and there have been several answers to questions that I’ve asked on the forum that I truly think I would never have found in any book. I do not belong to a homeschool support group yet, and my schedule and finances will not allow me to go to any homeschooling conferences right now. So being completely new to CM (and homeschooling) I can’t say enough how much I appreciate all the work that has gone into the wonderful materials put together by the SCM group and the practical help from the forum.

    A couple years ago, I had started praying that God would send an older, more experienced mom to mentor me. One never showed up. It took me some time to realize what He really wanted was for me to depend more on Him. However, it occurred to me this morning that in the area of homeschooling He did send me a mentor – but not just one homeschool mom – He gave me a whole group of wise, experienced, and talented homeschoolers to learn from! So – Thank you all!


    Oh I’m so glad to have found this!!

    The last month I have been so crazy busy on top of homeschooling, and being a mom.  Too many extras, which isn’t a norm it just happend that way.

    Now I feel so terribly overwhelmed!

    I’ve been wanting to explore more on this site as well as plan our year, but have not had the time.  I “joined” SCM the end of March and feel like I just need 2 solid days of reading and pulling it all together….alas that is not possible…lol

    I’m also researching some Bible studies that I want to do as well, and am finding that although they are for me they might work VERY nicely with Module 1 for the kids….which seems like a great time saver!

    On top of the planning/research I want to do, I do need to tend to my house….because it has been so terribly busy for me my house has very un-tidy spots everywhere….sigh.

    So perhaps my habit to focus on will be organization in small bits….both for home and homeschool.



    I too am going to make it a goal to stay off the computer, with the exception of our Organizer, until school is finished for the day. I also want to try to get up at least 30 minutes earlier than the kids so that I can get dressed and ready for the day before the demands of breakfast begin. What a great way to stay accountable! 



    I am encouraged by this thread & while I haven’t stayed off until the afternoon this week, we haven’t had school either.

    I’ve had loads to do for our CM co-op banquet & the computer has figured prominently in that work. This is still an excuse, even if it’s a valid excuse. Next week will be more normal, so that will be a good test.

    I also need to get up & going earlier than the kids. I’m committed to working on these habits. Thank you for the accountability.

    ~ Christie

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