Glad to hear I am not the only nerdy one who loves math, although it can be hard for me to teach b/c I have always understood math well and my dd8 is not so math inclined! I love teaching them science b/c I am so facinated by all the I am learning, though it was never a favorite subject of mine in school. I think CM is just so much more fun than what I did in school. I love teaching Bible b/c there is always so much to learn no matter how many times you study it. Bible memory has been fun, I have never been very good at memorizing anything but the SCM Scripture Mem. System is working on me too! Plus we combine it with sign language and that is cool. And of course, all our lit. read alouds. Some are new to me, some my old favorites and I usually cry at least once per book and my kids think that is so funny. But seriously, when Christopher Robin tells Pooh he isn’t coming back to play anymore I can’t help myself. When Laura’s dad helps her into the buggy for the last time following her wedding to Almanzo, I about died. I love experiencing those moments with my kids.
My favorite would have to be literature, poetry and artist/composer study. I really love music, and I love the thought that my kids are being exposed to the classics. That said, I really enjoyed the Burgess Bird book this past year. I can’t believe how much I learned! I am excited that *I* will be getting such a good education as I teach my kids!!