British and European History, because it is a passion of mine, and because I am confident in it as I did it in college lol! There is so much of interest in that history because it is so vast, and so many countries are involved with their own vast histories – so it is endlessly fascinating to me – I learn new things every day even though I have been reading about it and studying it for thirty odd years….fun topic – Linda
I really like everything except high school level math and science–am still intimidated there! But my very, very favorites are poetry and economics. Kind of an odd combo, but I could talk about either one all day!
I enjoy almost everything. My absolute favorites are math, science, history and literature. I have always loved good literature, history is so vast and interesting, math and science made up the majority of my studies in university, so I understand them well enough to pass on easily.
I love science, literature, and history! And of course Bible! Not so much math! Not my strong subject! However when the boys get older, I am turning them over to dad! He teaches college math! 🙂
I am not consistent in Nature Study or handicrafts! Although I do love them! Sigh too!
I love history, literature, science, and the hands on stuff. =) Math is my least favorite because it seems the subject that is least liked by the kids.
I love literature, art and music and Bible study – but I do not touch math or science, their dad does that as he is the brains for those subjects. I am liberal arts through and through….but history is my passion….
Literature is by far my favorite. 🙂 And history. I love math, but it’s a little difficult for me to teach – probably because I just learned the “how” and not the “why” behind it.
What a fun question!! I love history–that is a new passion! I especially love church history! When studying the Ancients, Greece & Rome, my favorite part were the battles! I’m a girly-girl but the battles were so exciting!! We used G.A. Guerber books.
I also LOVE Bible and fine arts and nature study. But the fine arts and nature study almost always take a back seat to the other subjects. I need to find a way to get those in as they add so much joy to my teaching and our homeschooling.
Least favorite would be math (which is why we LOVE Teaching Textbooks) and hands on stuff. I don’t mind hand skills like cooking or sewing or making useful things, but crafts or hands on activities are not my favorite. Maybe because I’m always trying to control the mess!
You know, I felt so relieved when I realized that the hands-on stuff from Charlotte’s perpective was “twaddle” unless it had a purpose. That really helped me to focus on the quality of the things I choose for the hands-on. Now, I ask where is it going when we are done? If I don’t know I try to find a better project. I have not eliminated markers, pencils, watercolors, etc…because my kids love that stuff. I’m talking about making those projects like we did in PS, that no one knows what to do with when it comes home. =) Or skads of stuff for decorations, etc,,
I really like everything we do. I’m not very consistent with nature study because I don’t enjoy being outside.
If I had to pick though, I’d say history, Bible, and poetry would be my faves. I also LOVE our literature time. Cuddling on the couch or in bed and enjoying a good book is pretty darn near heaven, in my opinion.
Amen to not doing “hands-on” stuff without a purpose!! While my kids draw and color on their own all the time (and I think there’s a difference there between their own creative exploration and forced craft ideas), I am glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t much care for crafty stuff as “school projects” – especially the variety that just end up in the trash when you’re done….and a big mess all over the dining room table.
Ironically, though, when I was an elementary classroom teacher, I loved teaching science largely because of all the fun, hands-on stuff you could do with that. Maybe it had something to do with the mess being in my CLASSROOM and not in my HOME (and being with 6th graders, who I could expect to clean up after themselves reasonably well…)
Now, getting started with homeschooling my own littles – Kindergarten down to a baby – I’d have to say literature. I LOVE reading aloud with my kids. And just enjoying it – not having to analyze and memorize vocabulary for every story. And I have also really enjoyed teaching dd how to read – it’s been so much fun to watch her progress and now to a point where she is really starting to take off on her own. Geography and world cultures is also another subject that really fascinates me.
I enjoy art study. I hope to take the kids to more museums this summer. It makes me appreciate history too as we recollect the when and where of the artist.
And surprisingly, I have enjoyed getting to know composers. I love doing our morning chores with classical music going. It is a good start to our day. My 22 month old says “Ba” for Bach as we do our cleaning to the music. 🙂