Modules 1 and 2 in a year?

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  • momto2blessings

    Hi Gals,

    Just wondering if anyone has used the SCM guides and completed both Modules 1 and 2 in one year.  Or if you’ve done both and have any wisdom, that would be great, too:)  That’s my plan for next year because dd will be in 7th and I want to spend 3 years on American in 10th-12th to use the TQ AOR guides, so need to condense somewhere.  Ancients seems to make sense, since history is only scheduled one day a week in the guides and we can do the Bible portion as Bible time.  Just hoping it doesn’t feel crammed!

    I haven’t used or ordered actual guides yet, but I’d thought this would be pretty easy since the guide sample has history only scheduled one day per week.  However, when I looked at actual assigments it looks like, for instance, Adam and His Kin is scheduled daily w/ about 8 ch. per week.  So, to double up would mean 16 ch. of that in a week for my 7th grader,  plus 11 ch. of Genesis to do as a family.  Is that doable?  Is that the pace of a lot of the books in Module 1 and 2?  Thanks for any wisdom!  I’m excited to have a plan laid out for me as I’m condensing, but don’t want to be cramming books in either:) Blessings, Gina


    Hi Gina,

    On a fundamental level this is very doable. History is only scheduled once per week in each of these two modules and Geography once per week, so twice a week to double up seems quite realistic for a 7th grader. Bible would be six days a week, but I’ve found it extremely simple to combine more than one Bible lesson into a day. 

    I have not done Mod2 but I don’t think you will find the pace to be oppressive with combining. I have this same plan in mind down the road so that we can do AOR over three years in high school. Wink



    Thanks, Erin!  Can I ask how old your kids were when you did Module One?  Did you do it pretty much as written?  I’ll also be adding in TQ commentary…but have the old Egypt/Greece guide which isn’t too much commentary to add (I don’t think:)  Thanks again!  Gina


    I just realized I really need to do the same thing, so I’ll be reading this thread with interest.


    My girls are 8 and 6 (2nd and K). We started it as written … took a detour … but yes, it was completely accessible for them with the SCM Family and Grades 1-3 books. I would like to continue it but I’m still making sure it’s the right path for us right now. The guide is so good and Sonya truly pulls the best together, and weaving TQ into it is seamless in my opinion, as long as you can whittle and let some things go. 🙂 Though, the Beginnings guide is too good to water down. lol. See–there I go again–detour. 


    I am not quite sure yet because I haven’t ordered the Mods yet, but my plan is to do Mods 1, 2 & 3 over a 2 year period.  My boys will be in 6th/7th and 3rd/4th.  If, once I get the Mods I feel it can be done comfortably in one year I may go a head with it, and try to get through the next two in one year also (using summers on either side to get some of the extra reading done).  We are going to continue Math, copy-work and one other subject through our summers — this year it’s science. 


    Erin, thanks for sharing how you did it.  I’m impressed you’ve fit Beginnings in.  I bought it to do for next year then just re-sold at a book sale…hope I don’t regret that!  It looks great, I just didn’t know how I could do it all, esp. when trying to squeeze modules together!

    4myboys…that sounds like a good plan, too. Maybe I need to order all THREE module guides to see how best to fit it all together! I think we may just start at double pace, but if it’s too much slow it down a bit, and just save a couple books for summer or free reading. And hopefully doing 3 Modules in 2 years isn’t too much:)

    Thanks for all the input! Blessings, Gina




    The 3 mods over 2 years plan does give 24 weeks per mod rather than only 18, which would give a bit more breathing space.  My oldest loves ancient civilizations so he wants to get at them!  We will include a novel or two from ancient Egypt in our summer reading in prep for next year — an appitizer of sorts.


    Sounds like a good idea…that does sound less crammed. I think once I get the guides it will help me w/planning….I love that they are planned out by day rather than week. Very user-friendly!  Thanks again:)  Gina


    Oh no, my girls are really too young for Beginnings, but I used it for myself and then as a guide to our discussions with Mod1. I expect they’ll use it for themselves when they come around again. 


    I love that thinking of 24 weeks per guide. So smart!


    Erin…hmmm….maybe I should have kept Beginnings!  The pure volume of it just seemed a bit overwhelming to me. 

    Yeah, thinking 24 weeks is smart, and feels doable:)  Gina


    Good thing TQ is so affordable! Smile

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