Modules 1-6 in a 4-year-cycle?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Des.
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  • rebekah

    I have looked and looked on here to see if I can find a thread addressing this question (which has likely come up before), but cannot find one. Has anyone had experience with trying to adapt the 6 history/geography/Bible modules to a 4-year cycle instead of 6? We’d really like to repeat the cycle three times through rather than 2, but I really like the way the Modules are organized apart from that. We will be headed into a “Year 1” of sorts next year and are also toying with the idea of having longer breaks throughout the whole year instead of taking summer completely off – my oldest has cerebral palsy, so we have to continue therapies and would still need to do a lot of maintenance work (e.g., writing, reading, etc) so that she doesn’t lose fine motor or visual skills she’s gained, so this may work better for us anyway.

    I keep wanting to write more, but I’m afraid it’ll get confusing so I’ll stop there. Thanks in advance for any assistance/ideas you may have!


    In this thread Sonya mentions how to do the modules in 4 years.


    After re-reading the post, Beautiful Feet that Sonya mentions may be to much for a younger student.  But I think you can still work with the idea of combining modules 1-3. 

    I am also trying to do 4 yrs rotation, and hadn’t really looked at this option. I think now I will sit down and see if I can make the combining of the modules work for us. 

    I hope that helps.


    Thanks, Ruth! I knew it had to be on here somewhere!


    If anyone else has some ideas for how to combine the modules for the Ancients, I am open to that! I would really like to start at the beginning (the very best place to start Wink) even though it may mean a relatively cursory overview of the Ancients since my kids are young. I should mention that my second daughter will be 5 and will sort of tag along for the ride with the 6 y.o. I also have a 1 y.o. who will be two next November, so he’s a bit of a factor as well. Basically, I don’t want to feel pressured to cover buckets of ‘material’ but our girls already love pointing out countries on the map since we know lots of people all over the world and they do have good attention spans when they are interested in whatever we’re doing. I also don’t push them, though, and have no problem stopping an activity if it is taking longer and I sense my oldest (my child with CP) will begin to fatigue. 

    I hope all of this makes sense! 


    I am going through them faster with my 16 yo dd. We started with Module 3 in the fall of 2012 and now we are in Module 4. I plan to finish that and Module 5 before this school year is out. The lessons are laid out so that Bible, History and Geography are on different days. We just did more than one lesson a day. For sure we did at least one Bible and one History lesson each day and usually a Geography too. Sometimes the assignments were too short for her so we did two Bible or two History ina a day. Being she is my last student we could adjust it to her speed but this might be more difficult if you have a group to teach. I would suggest that you begin and just see how it goes. We didn’t use this program for her earlier years yet we still found that she had read the books from the earlier year’s suggestions in the other programs that we used.


    Do a search for Heather, I can’t remember her username, but she did modules 1-6 in 4yrs..  I honestly can’t remember how she did it though.

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