Module 6 history for high school

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    I am trying to implement a CM education for my children this next school year.  I have two girls 15 and 14 (10th and 9th) and two boys 11 and 9 (6th and 5th).  We have been using Tapestry of Grace for the last couple years and Sonlight before that. Chronologically we will be in Module 6.  I have ordered Truthquest History guide Age of Revolution III to use as a spine.  My main concern and question is how many other books to assign this year for history and lit.  I’ve looked at the suggestions in the curriculum guide, but that doesn’t seem like enough reading.  Of course, we are used to a lot of reading from the other curricula we have used.

    I read somewhere about how many pages or books CM required of her students, but I can’t find that info now.  Who knows where I saw it!  I’ve done so much reading on so many different websites my brain is spinning.

    Anyway, last night I placed an order for All Day CM Seminar and Planning your CM Education.  Will those resources help me know how many books we need to read in order to ensure that our history course is high school level?  Or can one of you just tell me?






    Hi, Ellen! 

    I don’t know that anyone can tell you exactly how many books to read to make something high school–it’s going to depend on your students, what you want, AND the books themselves.  There are books you’d need to read 20 of to make it “high school” and I’ve seen books that ALONE I would consider a high school course! 

    What exactly are you looking at credit-wise?  Do you want ONE credit for each module, which will end up giving you four history credits?  I decided that my kids didn’t need four history credits so we aimed at two–a world and an American credit.  I assigned their workloads to reflect that.  If you want one  history credit per year you’ll want to arrange it differently.

    There are many different opinions to how much “work” a “credit” should be.  I’ve seen varying opinions from 120 to 180 hours of work per credit.  180 credits would be approximately one hour’s work per day for a 36-week school year.  120 would be about 40-45 minutes per day.  So I personally would just make up a list, start them on it, tell them about how long to read per day, remember to allow time for narrations, written narrations, discussion and writing (this time “counts”, too!)  and then record how many books they read on your records and about how many hours you estimate they spent.  Easy! So your different students may end up reading differing amounts, and that’s OK. 

    The place to start with high schoolers is a 4-year high school plan.  You’ll likely want to complete a plan with rough amounts of credits you want your high schoolers to have when they are done, and THEN jump into your planning.  I do highly recommend Planning Your CM Education, it is a WONDERFUL resource.  I have some other 4-year plan resources I can recommend to you if you need that as well.  Your plan will likely be different if you are aiming at college, aiming at a selective college, or aiming for work after high school. 


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