Module 5 book list?

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  • HeidiS

    Hi All

    I feel like I have been missing this forum forever! Life has been crazy nuts and some things just had to go, but we don’t have a support group out here anymore so you all are going to be it for me! Hope you are OK with that:)

    I am curious Sonya, if there is a list of the spines and supplementary books you will be implementing for your Module 5 unit? It is so hard to get books here and it would be huge to be able to get a start on finding what I need. I know the module isn’t finished yet, but if you could share the booklists that would be awesome!

    Many thanks for all you do, and for being here for us!


    Sonya Shafer

    Welcome back, Heidi! I’ve updated the Module 5 chart on the Curriculum Guide to reflect the book selections for the new handbook. The books you see listed there should help you get started finding what you’ll need.

    Keep in mind that Module 5 is set up to do American History 2 days per week and World History 2 days per week, so you can easily substitute your own country’s history if you’re not in the US. (I plan to rework Module 6 that way as well.)

    Sonya Shafer

    Just letting everyone here know first that the Module 5 books have arrived from the printer. We’ll send out an e-mail later to let everybody else know. But you can get the first peeks at Stories of America, Volume 1, Stories of the Nations, Volume 1, and the Early Modern & Epistles handbook.


    This is soooo great! I still don’t need these for a few more years, but I am so tempted! Wish finances premitted. Thanks for the hard work. The samples look really amazing!

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