Module 5 ~

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  • Cindie2dds

    I was printing this out last night after ordering the PDF (thanks for offering a discount!) and my oldest was so excited.  She was looking through it while I was three-hole punching and wanting to get started.  I wasn’t even planning on using Module 5 until later, but I have to say, love the spines and the guide.  Another winner, Sonya and team!


    Hi Cindie,

    Are you thinking of aligning Mod5 with A Living History? I’m toying with that possibility for the fall. I love the voice of Sonya’s spine in Mod5, as well as Angela’s. 

    Happy Easter!


    Yes. That’s exactly what I’m planning to do. :o)


    Very neat idea. I need to make up my mind. Wink Pretty sure Adv is going back though. I really thought I loved it. Mod5 and ALH feels better. Take good care!


    I really like having the Bible laid out for me and the layout of the SCM guide; but I also love the notebooking, mapping and Angela’s storytelling style of writing. (we are currently loving her math book for my little one) I thought I would do two streams of History by using SCM Module 1 with ALH, but now that I have Module 5 in my hands; it’s an easy decision.  ALH is only three days a week, maybe even two; Module 5 American History is approximately two days a week since my girls are on the young side, plus we school year round.  We can take our sweet time and enjoy them both.

    It’s so well laid out with that cute, little American flag to denote American History lessons. Smile The price is amazing, too.  I am so grateful you all make it so affordable for us!  Thanks, SCM team! 


    Yep, yep, yep. I also ordered Early Modern & Epistles and Stories of America. Such a fantastic price for a tremendous amount of time that Sonya clearly poured into this material. That’s why I posted my question to Angela on FB today … I was so happy to hear it is three days per week. Fits nicely with Module 5 American History. Smile A huge thanks to SCM!


    Is anyone using Mod. 5 with a high school student? I’m considering ordering it and my DD13 is getting ready to begin 9th grade.

    Also, I’m not familiar with A Living History. Who is that by?

    So Cindy and Erin, you think Stories Of America will blend nicely with A Living History?

    Also, I have not seen ALH in person yet, does it include a list of recommended supplimental books to go along with it?

    Thanks :o)


    Please take what I say with a huge grain of salt.  It’s been really hard for me to find something I like, and I now have two! I’m not worried about finishing in 36 weeks either since we just school year round.

    Well, for what I want to do, I think they will blend nicely.  ALH is meant to be used as a stand-alone history program, no other books required.  There is a small supplimental list in the back, but it’s not necessary.  We did a quick early American History overview (Vikings through the Revolution) on our own this spring.  There were times where my dd wanted to read more on a topic or person, so we go to our other history resources on the shelf.  I was looking for another spine to read from in addition to ALH, and that, along with the Bible, is why I am thrilled with Module 5.  I probably won’t be doing the World History part, but I will have to wait and see.

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