Module 4: World of Columbus and Sons?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Module 4: World of Columbus and Sons?

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  • This is a question for those of you who have used the module four handbook, “Middle Ages” etc with a child in grade 4 – 6 ….. did you find  “The World of Columbus and Sons” by Foster was similar in style to the famous men books? 

    I am a bit worried that the other grades have a fictional book assigned to them alongside the famous men books but that my grade 6 student will have a long stretch of two narrative style history books together. 

    Maybe I am wrong in thinking the Foster book is a narrative history book? I have never seen even a sample of the Columbus book so I’m curious as to how other people would describe it. 

    I would appreciate any help – thanks! 

    Never mind about the previous post…. I have now bought the ebook guide and I can see that there are a lot of weeks that my grade 6 student will be reading the Foster book alongside the family fiction book and not as many weeks pairing the Foster and Famous Men book as I had been concerned about. We are looking forward to making a start soon! 


    We’ve been studying module 4 this year. I think you’ll find it laid out well and that there’s plenty of time to read both books. We’ve enjoyed them.


    Thanks Becca. So far I am really pleased with how everything has been scheduled and have just ordered all the books I need for term one. I love how easy it is to order just one term’s worth of books at a time! 


    I’m with you! I just made notes on mph slender at the beginning of the year to order a bit ahead of terms 2 and 3 after I gathered what we neede for term 1. We didn’t use every title listed in the suggestions (we have tons of books,) but that meant it was an even cheaper year than any other we’ve homeschooled.

    Happy Homeschooling,


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