I am having a horrible time finding the books and references I need to do module 4 at my library, they aren’t very helpful either 🙁 So it looks like I’m going to have to buy all the books 🙁 My problem is I am homeschooling my youngest and probably only use the books once for that grade. So my question is should I buy the books then try and resell them when done? Or keep trying to get them on loan for the library. I filled out paperwork two weeks ago for book I needed this week and they still don’t have them in:( Help what should I do?
I would buy them used on a site like Amazon.com. These are great books that will want to be read more than one time no matter what time period you may be studying (that’s just my opinion, of course). My son read The Sword in the Tree last year when we were on module 5 just because we had it. It did not go with our module, but he still loved the book.
We are also doing the Middle Ages module this year, and I also had a terrible time locating many of the books, particularly the Louise Vernon titles, at any libraries in our state – let alone our city. I found all of her titles and a couple others, very inexpensively, at http://www.abebooks.com. I decided to buy them one term at a time.
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