Module 3 Companion Resources

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  • LindseyD

    I am beginning to look at purchasing our books for next year. If I start now, I think I can get it all bought without breaking the bank!!

    For those of you who have used/are using Module 3 and liked it, I want to know about the companion resources. Were there any you didn’t/don’t care for? Have you found resources that aren’t listed but have made good additions to the module?

    I will have a Year 4 and a Year 2 next year.

    This is what SCM recommends to go with Module 3:

    Oxford First Ancient History (which we already own)

    A Traveller in Rome

    Material World (we have)

    Hungry Planet (we have)

    City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction

    Pompeii: Buried Alive

    Growing Up in Ancient Rome

    Uncle Josh’s Outline Maps (we have)

    Any thoughts on these or other, unlisted resources are appreciated!



    Hi Lindsey if your kids are young and the book a Traveller in Rome is the Morton book, then that is for much older students, like high school – I have that book and it is excellent but not for littles…..Linda


    Thank you for that note, Linda. I wonder why SCM lists that resource for Year 4? I’m sure the lesson outlines explain how to use that particular book.

    Does anyone have any input on these specific resources or any others you’ve discovered that go really well with Module 3?





    Skip A Traveller in Rome. It’s too difficult for small ones. We enjoyed Rome Antics and This is Rome. We watched a series of History Channel dvds about ancient Rome. The title I remember is The Rise of the Apartments. There were several we enjoyed, but I previewed. I remember one about the Colosseium that we skipped parts of. We also watched some Rick Steves travel dvds to Italy to get a feel for the country. If your kids like projects, you might get a Roman coin or a history kit from Hands N Hearts. 




    I agree with Lindsey and Christie that Traveller in Rome book is way to hard. We did Rome Antics in place of the other.. Also, I Ancient Rome & City if you are interested. Just PM me. Misty

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