Module 2 World Hist.Books

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  • I was wondering of  any other living books suggested  besides what is in the SCM guide telling about what was happening in the world besides in the Middle East during that time period?



    blue j

    Hi Cyndi,

    You could look at a timeline online and look for books that cover the entries mentioned.  There is also a book called All through the Ages: History through Literature Guide by Christine Miller.  This book has timelines and background information on various historical periods and peoples of those time periods as well as books from which to choose broken down by grade level.  It is a very helpful book; I just purchased it used this year, and am very thankful that I did. Smile

    I will try the timeline online idea and use other lists.

    I have C. Millers book but not the updated version and her The Story of the Romans. I wonder how it is different from the new one. Some of the books are “very classical” in nature and I’m needing books that have a deep meaning to it that is based on Phil 4:8 that is really edifying.   I really like Sonya’s list.

    What year is your C. Miller book?



    blue j

    Mine is from 2008, Cyndi.

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