Module 2 History book question

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  • fivestones

    Hi all, we are working through module 2 with a 4th grader and a 7th grader.  “A wonder book” is listed for a 4th grade reader.  My ds is really struggling with this book.  In context and with readability (is that even a word 🙂 ).  Should I just skip this book and move on to the next one listed, should I stick it out, or should I substitute for the info that he should be gleaning from this resource?  Has anyone else struggled with this book?

    Thank you,



    We’ve went through this module and my thought would be could you read it together?  Either during school time or on a Saturday afternoon, maybe have them read it to you?  Just some thoughts.

    Sonya Shafer

    Have you tried the alternate book suggested, The Golden Fleece?


    I totally missed that The Golden Fleece was an alternate.  Thank you! I will look into that.



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