Sonya, will the geography for the new Module 2 still cover the Middle East and Asia?
Also to anyone else, we did the map drill for africa with module 1 this year and I liked that, but I would have liked to learn a bit more about the culture. We did read the chapters from “Missionary Stories with the Millers” that took place in Africa. I will use that again next year to go with Middle East and Asia. Does anyone have any book recommendations for those geographical locations for an 8 and 5 year old?
What about some missionary biographies? We are reading one on David Livingstone to go with our Africa study (in addition to the Millers book). I’m also hoping to read them some African folk tales as well. I’m sure there would be similar books to cover Middle East and Asia. We read King of the Wind a few years ago…that would tie in for a literature book.
The geography for the revised module 2 will include historical geography in the Ancient Greece readings, then we’re creating a new resource for a related modern geography study. The one for this module will be on the Middle East, since a lot of the Old Testament events took place there. The new resource will be a combination of map drill, close-up map study, and meeting some families who live in countries in that region. We will also list optional books to read together and other ideas for even more of a “culture taste.” We’re hoping this new approach will give a nice balance of historical and modern geography, both with ties to real people’s stories to make the areas “living.”
That sounds great, will this resource be included in module 2 or sold as a separate resource? Am I understanding correctly, the geography will focus on the Middle East and not the rest of Asia (like china, Japan, Russia)? Will this be in a different module? Sounds like I should wait to do any geography, bible or history planning till the new module comes out. Thanks
It will be a separate resource. We’re planning to create one for each of six regions and spread them throughout the six history modules, which will entail a little rearranging. But the good news is that you can still do the current geography studies if you want to. This will just give you more options to find what works best for your family.
The six regions will be
Middle East
South & Central America, Australia
North America
My suggestions for distributing these among the history modules would be like this
Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt – Africa
Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece – Middle East
Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome – Europe
Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation – South & Central America, Australia
Early Modern – North America
Modern – Asia
You’ll be able to either use the new resources to replace the geography lessons in the current handbooks or continue using the lessons as they are. Your choice.
Sorry for the double post, but I neglected to mention that the new resources will be listed as the geography lessons in the revised handbooks. We will most likely get only the first three map notebooks written for this year (Africa, Middle East, Europe), to go with the three new history handbooks. But the other three will be forthcoming.
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