Module 1 teachable moment

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    I wanted to share a neat experience my daughter and I had as we were going through our Module 1 lesson the other day. We were writing down some things on the character sheet about Jacob. My daughter made the connection that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had all had the charcter flaw of lying. I was able to talk with her about generational sins and identify the one I struggle with…the way I deal with my anger. I didn’t speak of my parents or grandparents in a way that was dishonoring, but I was able to gently point out the ways that she struggles with it also, likely because of my example. We prayed together that God would break the cycle of this sin in our family and that Abby would choose better ways of handling her anger.

    anyway, I’m so thankful for this study, we are enjoying it for a variety of reasons, but this will be one memory I will keep with me.


    Awesome connection and awesome lesson learned!! I love homeschooling! …Did I say that?? LOL!! 🙂


    Funny that you mention this…As we were making our list of character traits of Abram, my 10yo mentioned lying. Well, in my infinite wisdom (not!) I was trying to have my dc point out his positive traits, only. Why?? I don’t know. For some reason that is what I thought of first after reading the lesson. But after reading your post I gathered my kids together to apologize for not applying that character trait to him. We discussed it and I explained that character traits can be described as both positive and negative.

    Whew!! I couldn’t let that teaching moment pass of mom making a mistake or just not seeing the whole picture. They got it and we shared character traits of all kinds that we have and hopefully they’ll come to realize that everybody has them, good and bad.

    Thank you for sharing…your post made a big difference in my home today.


    That’s great, my3boys! When we write the character traits down, we’ve been putting a plus sign next to the positive character traits and a minus sign next to the negative ones.

    I also love to point out how God uses imperfect people who sin (yes, I know that is ALL of us!) to accomplish His purposes and to bring Him glory. Abraham wasn’t chosen b/c he was so perfect and great, it was just a part of God’s plan. It’s so refreshing to remember that He can use me and my children to carry out His purposes.


    Thanks so much for your idea, which I’m stealing, LOL. And for the encouraging words.


    Okay, another great moment w/ Module 1 Bible study: We were reading the parts about Joseph and were able to tie into our personal lives. We discussed how Joseph was going through some really difficult things and he couldn’t understand why it was happening, but he trusted that God had a plan and was in control of his life, even though it wasn’t easy. We were able to relate this to a difficult family situation (my husband’s chronic headaches). We don’t understand why he has them, and it is difficult for our whole family, but we trust that even this pain is because of God’s goodness to us and is a part of His greater story. We cannot see the end in sight, but we can trust God just like Joseph could.

    Also, Joseph didn’t let his gift of interpreting dreams go to his head. He was clear to Pharoah that the dreams came from God, not him. I asked my daughter what gifts God has give her (artistic ability, good singing voice, encourager.) We discussed how God in His graciousness her gave those gifts. He gave them to her for His glory, not hers. I asked in what ways can she use those gifts and give Him the glory for them.

    Please share moments with this study that you all have that can make it applicable to our daily lives!

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