Module 1 Exodus and Numbers Commentaries are Must Haves!

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  • Alicia Hart

    For those who are buying books for module one, be sure to not miss out on the Bible commentaries for kids that go along with that module.  They are worth the time and money.  We are still finishing up SCM Module One and I cannot believe how much we are all learning as a family through these two commentaries.  I am understanding difficult passages, especially in the book of Numbers, that I have always had questions about.  It has been so exciting to have these difficult passages come to life and to be able to see how they connect with the rest of the Bible

    Hope this encourages someone.  God Bless!


    Thank you for the insight.  What ages are you using them for?


    Good to know.  I’m in the middle of deciding about this right now.



    It is wonderful to hear you comment on something that worked so well. Having done the 2 commentaries…..would you have started w Genesis (for yourself)? Why are they only chosing 2 books to do the commentaries for? I know they make a volume for Genesis?

    What were the ages of your kids…..Did U read as a family?



    Sonya Shafer

    The Genesis and Deuteronomy commentaries were not available when I compiled the plans for that study. Once they were available, I had already written into the lessons the character studies project in Genesis and thought it might be nice to have variety throughout the year rather than commentaries for the whole year. 

    I’m sure the Genesis and Deuteronomy commentaries are just as wonderful as the others, but that’s the inside peek into why we wrote only the Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers commentaries into the plans. Smile

    Julie Cunningham

    I am starting with the 1.99 Kindle version of each (from amazon) as all of my kids have readers. I figure I will upgrade to the book if we need it, but they enjoy reading on their Nooks and they can follow along!

    Alicia Hart

    We did these books as a family read and then group narration, like it is listed in the SCM History Module One.   My kids are ages 2-12, but I mostly have used them for my older ones (7-12). 

    Oh cool!  I was not aware that there are Genesis and Deuteronomy editions.  Can’t wait to get copies of these as well.

    We did not get to ALL the chapters in each commentary but so glad that we were able to include the ones we did!  Like I said above we are still finishing up Numbers from last year.  This study was just too good to move on without finishing.  These commentaries really are unique jewels to be included in any homeschooling library, IMHO.


    Great to know! We are starting Module 1 this year. All I have left to order are these 2 & the Bible Maps. I’m really excited about this approach to History.

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