Module 1 History Question

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  • Saranae80

    We started this a couple weeks ago, and have really loved it, but when we came to the section on Noah’s Ark, and the assigned reading for In the Days of Noah, which we decided to read all together, it was only assigned for one day’s reading. It’s quite a lengthy book to be read in one sitting….so would it be best to continue on with daily lessons while reading aloud from this each day, or should we stop and read through it first before moving on?

    Thank you,



    Do which ever one feels best for your children.  For my family, we would continue on and read a bit every day.

    It’s okay – no one is going to hunt you down and get you in trouble for adapting to your family.  We all do that all the time. 😉


    lol…glad for that….I think I might have been hunted down a long time ago for all my homeschool mess ups :o) I was just worried it might interfere with the lessons since they move on from Noah’s Ark soon after that.

    Thanks again!


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