I will be changing over to SCM in a few months, when my son will almost be 7. I want to start on Module 1 but am concerned about the level of difficulty for him, mainly in the Oxford book (assuming I can find it!) as well as some of the other books. From the few pages I’ve seen in the Oxford book on Amazon, the language looks quite difficult for a young child. Any advice?
We’ve used the Oxford Children’s Ancient History book. My DDs have been 4/5 and 6/7 this school year. They have done fine with it. I don’t know how it compares to the Oxford Ancient History. It is the same chapters referenced to, though. It has not been a problem to follow the study guide using it.
We do history together as a family for our 11yo and 10yo, so we do a lot of the books together as read-alouds. I would be doing a lot of this for the 11yo anyway since he is mildly autistic and is a few grade-levels back in his reading ability. As we read, I often pause and pull out a vocabulary word or a phrase that might be unfamiliar to them. I’ll either ask, “Can you tell me what the author/speaker means by that?” or I’ll simply tell them what it means.
Funny thing is, when I stop and tell them what something means, they often give me a look as though I’ve just turned purple and say, “Mom, we already know that!” You will be surprised at what your son will pick up from books with more challenging language, and if he’s not grasping the meaning, you’ll hear it in his oral narrations.
Thanks for your replies! I will definitely be going ahead with these books then. I agree what you say, Sue_mom, sometimes I underestimate what my son can understand!