Module 1 {BIBLE} vs. Personal Devotions?

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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone:

    I have my kids (12, 10, 8)  do their own Bible Devotion time in the am. SImple. Read and Pray. However, this year, I am wondering if I will still do this, as out Module One History, is Bible reading…..

    What are your thoughts? What have you done? If I have the kids still do personal devotion time, I guess I need to come up with something besides just read the Bible, bc that’s what we’re doing for school?

    Just curious what you guys think?


    My kids were pretty little when we did Module 1, so they weren’t at the personal devotion stage. But now, they enjoy their personal devotions each morning, as well as any Bible we read during school time or as a family in the evenings. I mean, you can’t really have too much Bible, can you? Wink

    The devotions my kids have been using since they were 7 are the God and Me books and Gotta Have God! books. They make them for age ranges and girls and boys. They are reading (Bible story or situational), answering questions, doing an activity, and then a book-led prayer at the end. My kids have written down some pretty profound stuff over the years in the answer blanks, so I know these books (however kiddie or twaddly they may appear) get them thinking. We have always bought ours at Mardel, but they are sold online as well.


    My older two do their own Devotions in a morning – ds10 is wiorking through Dangerous Devotions for kids and is planning to move onto the inductive studies for kids series soon. He will narrate his passage orally to me. Dd8 reads XTB (maybe a British thing?) and answers the questions, leaving it out for me to see. We then do module 1 together in family time, though I read that to them. Ds3 also listens in and volunteers narrations, though dh or I will also do his own devotions in a morning as he can’t read 🙂 Dh also reads the Bible to us over tea, so I guess on Bible days (as two are geog/history) they get 3 doses! As LindseyD said – you can’t have too much Bible.

    Perhaps you could read from the NT or Psalms, something quite different from Gen-Deut, for their own time?

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