Modern Manuscript/D'Nealian Handwriting Recommendations

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  • bradstreet

    DS8 and DS10 both learned to write with the Veritas Press Phonics Museum, which uses the slanted Modern Manuscript/D’Nealian approach.

    Any suggestions for actual programs (as opposed to practice worksheets) in Modern Manuscript/D’Nealian print or cursive? We have already used the Ten Commandments cursive books, as well as the Greenleaf Press Washington copywork books.

    Seems like the more prominent handwriting programs tend to use more of a ball and stick approach.


    Christine Kaiser

    Maybe you want to try Presidential Penmanship, you can find it on currclick. They have DN style copywork for all grades.

    Blessings Christine

    Rachel White

    I second Pres. Penmanship. There is a D’Nealian font choice.


    Thanks! I’ll have to look into this.

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