I’m looking for a biography of Churchill for my dd11 for the coming year when she’ll be in 6th grade. I have heard of this one – Never Give in: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill by Stephen Mansfield, but it has mixed reviews. Thoughts on this one or another that would go well with our Module 6 studies?
We have been reading a lot lately from our Landmark History collection to finish off our Module 6. One recent Landmark read was Winston Churchill by Quentin Reynolds which we really liked. Never Give In is more of a collection of his quotes.
Janell, please tell me you don’t have all of the landmarks. I may have to repent of envy. I will look for the one you mention as we’ve enjoyed theLandmarks we own.
FYI…here’s a link to the book I mentioned. It isn’t the quote book, but has similar title.
Christie, we’ve read the Mansfield book, and we liked it. We found it pretty interesting, and while it’s not a terribly nuanced view, that can come later. It’s not quite hagiography, either. We did like it, My boys were particularly amused by the stories of him learning Latin.
Hi Christie, well I am a bit late to this party…and you have already had great advice. We enjoyed the Mansfield book very much, and later on we read Paul Johnson’s book Churchill – in high school our very favourite book was by Sir Martin Gilbert Churchill: A Life,
The Gilbert book is wonderful for high school and for adults. So those would be my three recommendations. Sir Martin Gilbert wrote the official multi volume biography of Churchill with Randolph S. Churchill which is also great, but too many volumes for high school. The one volume Churchill: A life is my favourite of all time for a shorter read. Linda
Thanks to Linda’s recommendations earlier this year, my dh listened to Paul Johnson’s Churchill on audiobook during his commute, and I read Sir Gilbert’s one volume Churchill. I was interested in Churchill’s life after finding his WWII set at a library sale.
Christie, you’re right, I have a different Never Give In book. Oops…sorry.
Five years ago, I purchased a few book lots of Landmarks from ebay averaging $2 a book. I have nearly ninety Landmarks and a dozen Signature Classics. My two favorites are Thirty Seconds over Tokyo and The Story of Edith Cavell (Signature Classic: heroic WWI nurse). When I visited my sister in FL (panhandle) a couple years ago, I was amazed to discover that her little local library had shelves of children’s classics and most of the Landmark books. There may be advantages to libraries that have smaller budgets. All of my Landmarks are exlibrary books.