Minn of the Mississippi

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  • Karen

    I just found a most fabulous post that saved me from going bald!


    I wish that blogpost had popped up a couple weeks ago, when we started Minn.  She has great supplementary maps to help you label the BF maps.

    I don’t want to say mean things about Beautiful Feet’s Holling maps – but! I was going crazy and spending so much time trying to find what Holling has in his sidebars on the BF maps!! I had such trouble finding even Lake Itasca because the shapes on the map don’t seem to match with the “fish-hook” and other things described by Holling.

    I will say that I am decidely map-challenged — but I was having so much trouble is wasn’t funny. (I was able to successfully do the map to go along with the Tree in the Trail, so I don’t think it’s all my problem! *L*)




    Thank you for the link. 🙂


    WHat a blessing!  We just cracked this book open and are at the 3rd lesson.  I too had fits trying to find Lake Itasca (ok, maybe just I had the fit – you were probbly much more dignified!  😉  )  Thank you for sharing this wonderful resource.






    Nope. Nothing dignified going on here!!! 🙂


    I’m glad I’m not the only one having trouble with the BF map! IT’s a great addition to the study (we’re doing it low-key).  But I am very disappointed that it’s so different than what’s in the Minn book.


    Minn has been a toughy all the way around for us.  We loved Tree In A Trail and Paddle To The Sea…  We are aiming to persevere (doing one BF lesson per week) and look forward to starting Sea Bird.

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