military life & charlotte mason method

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  • HEY everyone!  I am so very excited to say that we will be starting our homeschooling adventure in the fall using the CM method! My husband just became a Chaplain in the Navy…so we will be moving quite a bit, I’m sure. Are there any other military families out there that use this method?  If so, do you have any advice for this novice?  My main concern with all the moving is having to adjust with each new state’s regulations. It seems a bit intimidating…


    Welcome aboard!  I know there are a few military (and ex-military) families here.  We’ve been Air Force for 10 years now and have homeschooled for almost 7 of those using the CM method.

    I don’t have much advice to give you.  If you don’t already have a Kindle or some other type of e-reader, you might want to look into that.  It’s a great way to have LOTS of books (mostly free) which helps to eliminate weight.  But even though I have a Kindle, I still have LOTS of physical books.  Because we’re enlisted our weight allowance is pretty low thus we always move ourselves so we don’t have to pay the overlimit charge.  Most public libraries will give you a free membership with your military ID.  Base libraries will do interlibrary loans for free. 

    We’ve lived in 4 different states and have never had a problem with state regulations.  HSLDA has great summaries of what you need to do in each state – just make sure you turn in whatever paperwork you need in a timely manner.  You can get your forms notarized for free at JAG.  Keep records of what you do in case a new state gets all wacky on you.  I really like the Organizer here for keeping track of what we do.  

    It’s been such a blessing to homeschool while in the military because we’ve never had to deal with leaving school in the middle of the year.  There have been two different times where we moved twice in one school year – it would have been a nightmare had we not homeschooled.  It also gives us a lot of freedom to take time off around deployments and keeps us going when we’re without dad.

    Whatever help or support I can give, just holler!


    Christine Kaiser

    Welcome!:) We are a military family , too. Yes , unfortunately we have to keep up with the regualtions in each State we go. For that and othernreasons I would advice you to become a member of the HSLDA, they offer military discount . Another thing we have to pay attention to is recordkeeping. You may be in a State at one time that doesn’t require any recordkeeping but then move to a State that is very strict about it. For that I highly recommend the SCM Organizer.




    Totally agree with Christine.  I don’t use the Organizer but do my own records (we’ve been homeschooling since 1995 and my dh has 20 years in AF).  Keep good records and you won’t really have a problem.  I can’t imagine homeschooling without HSLDA.  We just used them this last month in a situation with an employer now accepting our homeschooling.  They are a essential being military.

    My dh is deployed right now.  We just go with the flow.  We take off when things get crazy and school year round to accomadate moves and life issues.  

    My best advice is:  The first 2 years are the hardest.  Be on your knees, create good habits (in you and your children), instill a respect for you as parent and teacher (this takes a little time), stay centered on HIS Word.  And as long as you are diligent with school but are laid back enough to realize when you all need a break – you will do fine.  Smile God will show you, give yourself grace.  

    thank you so very much for these encouraging words & great advice!  Smile 

    i know that this is the direction that God has us headed.  My husband has been such an encouragement, & i have had such peace & excitement — i know this is the right direction for us. 

    thank you again!!

    Hi my hubby is retired AF after 25 years, and most of that was spent in Europe, so I cannot help much with State regs, but it was a blessing to homeschool and not have to worry about moves…the States we did live in here had very few rules to follow, so we were lucky, but I have always kept records and reading lists and transcript info, so it was not a problem. We were stationed at Rhein Main when it was open in Germany, Ramstein Germany, Mildenhall in England and then we did 2 years at Andrews AFB near DC here in the USA, less than a year at Keesler AFB MS, then the last 5 years here at Scott AFB in Illinois. So 15 of our years were overseas and that was by choice….being English it was nice to be over there, and hubby and I both loved living in Europe and had the best times over there. So good luck, yes get a Kindle/Nook/ipad whatever it does save money – but try and have some good physical books in your own home to build a library…to cherish and enjoy. If I could do it again, I would do it the same way….enjoy your time and welcome….Linda

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