Mike Huckabee's Learn Our History series – thoughts/reviews?

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  • missceegee

    I know nothing about this and just discovered it. Has anyone here used it? Thoughts? 



    Rachel White

    I know of it since we used to watch his show when we had satellite.  Here’s a preview and free offer:http://learnourhistory.com/

    I would trust the content to be Pro-American and G-d Honoring, but not oblivious to her mistakes in the past (I.e Andrew Jackson, JIm Crow, etc); though I don’t know how they compare with Nest in visual quality,. but the actual content I would feel confident in. I like the unusual variety of topics-you just don’t find these topics in other children’s series, I think:http://learnourhistory.com/go.cfm?do=Video.ShowCatalog

    This may be helpful: http://learnourhistory.com/go.cfm?do=Page.View&pid=28

    I liked these comments from the site:

    What does it mean that Learn Our History is “unbiased”?

    Learn Our History’s products have been developed to correct the “blame America first” attitude prevalent in today’s teaching.  While we recognize that America is not perfect and has never been perfect we celebrate our incredible history with a balanced account of the events that created this great nation.  We don’t feel bad about the great things America has achieved – we celebrate our success!

    Is the history taught from a religious perspective?

    At Learn Our History we recognize and celebrate faith, religion and the role of God in America’s founding and making our country the greatest place on Earth.  Our videos are non-denominational in nature and can be enjoyed by families with diverse religious beliefs.



    Thanks, Rachel. We own all of the NEST series and enjoy them, but these topics look worthwhile to add. I appreciate the personal review.

    Rachel White

    Here’s a review:http://www.weirdunsocializedhomeschoolers.com/2011/10/review-learn-our-history/


    From these two reviews, it’s disappointing that the modern children time traveler characters exhibit such bad character! I think this alone would be a deterent to me (and my children, esp. my son would complain, too). I don’t like much Adv. in Odyssey due to the annoying children. My dd has a tendency to find amusement in ohter’s bad behavior and can imitate too much.

    It’s frustrating since I like the topics. Perhaps if you get the free Elcetion Day video, you can judge for yourself.


    We have them. My kids love them! Can’t really speak to their accuracy as my history knowledge is lacking. I am trusting Huckabee at this point. Maybe as I school through History with my kids for a few years I will know better how to judge them. I did the book club program where they automatically ship you a new video each month. If you are not satisfied with any of them you can send them back for a refund.

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