Ok, so I’m not going to go into the whole long story, but Delta (8yob) will not be being taught by his Suzuki violin teacher anymore… and with how things are, I don’t think I will have Echo (6yog) go to that teacher anymore either. Financial concerns prevent us from using another teacher. Neither Delta nor Echo currently enjoy the violin (although I think it is mostly the practicing they don’t enjoy…) – that wouldn’t be something that would have made us stop lessons (we considered it like a non-optional school subject in our house)… but may be a consideration now that there is this issue.
I’ve been trying to figure out what we want to do about music. (Ok, I know playing a musical instrument isn’t required or anything… but it has always been a big priority in our house.)
I am fairly musical, although not proficient at any instrument. I have taught the younger kids up to playing Twinkle, and feel that I can teach if I keep ahead of them. (mind you, Delta is ahead of me in the violin at the moment…)
So – here are the options I’m looking at…. partly to help me think it through, partly to get suggestions….
– Me continue to teach them all (probably after a break) using Suzuki. I’m pretty sure with the resources I have that I can help Delta finish his current song and learn the next one… and we could do a fair bit of work on note reading at this point… and do some general practice of the review songs so they aren’t lost…. One issue is Suzuki method does not have information on how to do things in the books. I have a few other resources, but it is not friendly to being self-taught or taught by an untrained teacher.
– Me continue to teach them all (probably after a break) using another method that might be a little more friendly.
– Forget violin for now (except probably with Foxtrot (3yo) who, at the moment, likes it…) and do…. the Organ (as we have one not being used…) – problem is we don’t have any child-friendly books to teach from, and there don’t seem to be any at all where I live. (My mom is going to ask a friend who has worked for Yamaha (in another city) for years what is available…) – I do have my church’s Keyboard Instruction book, which would be an option (and is not half bad…) but I’d prefer to use it as a supplement.
– Forget violin for now (as above) and do…. the Piano (but only on a 61 key keyboard as we no longer have a piano…) – I have found a very nice course for that, which Delta did the first part of the method for 5-6yo’s when he was younger. The method is pretty good (although a bit twaddly)… If I went that route, I’d get the Primer for Older Students for Delta and use the younger program for Echo… The problem is that the pre-school piano method book that I really like does use pretty much all the 88 keys… and you miss all the stuff like dynamics and tone using a keyboard….
– Guitar… yes we have a couple of cheap children’s guitars (and a couple of adult ones) and a child’s guitar method book…
– get Penny Gardner’s 9 note recorder method and do the recorder…..
– Just totally avoid doing music and see if anyone misses it by September…… (by which point I’d want to do something….)
– or be totally crazy and let each child choose from the above options!