Middle School Botany

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  • CrystalN

    Wondering if anyone knows of a good botany course for my 8th grade dd. I realize the usual science schedule would have her in General or Physical, but this child has such a love of nature I want to spend another year on nature studies. She has become very interested in identifying plants, particularly edible plants. Today she made a salad from the weeds and flowers in our backyard! I would like a middle school level course that would teach identification. I was thinking she and my 5th grader could do Apologia Botany together with extra work for her on the side. Any ideas. Maybe just field guides and internet research? I am terrible at making up my own curriculum, I never feel I am covering the right things. If anyone knows of anything I would appreciate it.


    We liked Ellen McHenry’s Botany in 8 lessons. 😊


    I think I would use Apologia Botany. Those books are so packed with info. My 7th grader just finished Flying Creatures and it was perfect for him, and he is a huge bird guy, so I don’t think they are too “young” for this age. But she will probably get through it quicker, like in one semester, so maybe you could add library books or Melanie’s suggestion of Ellen McHenry.

    Hope to Learn

    I know you were asking about courses, but recommend you check out what your local 4-H club has to offer.  They probably have a horticulture club that is all about identification of plants, trees, etc.  There are fun competitions and it would be great to meet others that like horticulture too.    You could also consider looking into junior garden club.


    You might see if there are local conservation resources available – agents, programs, books, etc are available in even my rural area. Also see if there are master gardener programs – the gardeners would love to share their knowledge and wisdom.

    Sandra Wade

    http://www.guesthollow.com has a botany course that uses living books.

    Sandra Wade

    Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions.

    Sandra – I had never seen Guest Hollow before, great resource! Thanks.

    Here is my tentative plan in case anyone is curious about what I decided to do.

    She will do the Apologia Botany stuff with my 5th grader and

    Guest Hollow Botany modified for us

    I am purchasing lots of field guides

    She has started an edible flower garden in our back yard

    Thanks for everyones help!


    Hey, know that this post is older, but I just saw it and wanted to add this resource.


    We used it for 8th grade and it was great.

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