OK….I am indecisive! This is our first year doing SCM. Any suggestions on which one to do? Middle Ages or Early Modern are two I can’t decide from? It would be for a 3rd grader and Kindergartener! Is one more “easy” to go through or to understand? More fun? Both are great from what I can tell. Hard to choose.
This is just my two cents, it will be my first year with SCM history as well so I have no experience to draw from. I would do middle ages this year so you could do early modern next year while they are still young enough to enjoy all the great picture books. I would probably then skip modern only because the wars and such seem a little mature for a then 5th and 2nd grader. Start in Genesis/Egypt and get a full run through. If you skip middle ages now they will be older and you may miss a lot of the super fun activities you could pull in. In my opinion middle ages and early modern are the two funnest time periods for young kids. Just my two cents, I am curious to see what others think.