Which ‘Visits to…” is used with the 4th history module?? I’ve looked at the module on the website,but can’t seem to find it. How am I missing it?
You are missing it because the Middle Ages guide has not been updated yet to use the Visits to books for geography. 🙂 However, the guides for Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles, Early Modern & Epistles, and Modern Times, Epistles & Revelation are all in the process of being updated. We hope to have them available this year.
The pairing of the new guides with the Visits to books will be:
Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles with Visits to South and Central America, Australia.
Early Modern & Epistles with Visits to North America.
Modern Times, Epistles & Revelation with Visits to Asia (being written now).
Ah, Ok.
So, if I purchase a used copy(which I likely will) of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation &Epistles that is not updated ,then what would we use for geography?