Middle ages module geography?

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  • Amandagwa

    Which ‘Visits to…” is used with the 4th history module?? I’ve looked at the module on the website,but can’t seem to find it. How am I missing it?

    Karen Smith

    You are missing it because the Middle Ages guide has not been updated yet to use the Visits to books for geography. 🙂 However, the guides for Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles, Early Modern & Epistles, and Modern Times, Epistles & Revelation are all in the process of being updated. We hope to have them available this year.

    The pairing of the new guides with the Visits to books will be:

    Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles with Visits to South and Central America, Australia.

    Early Modern & Epistles with Visits to North America.

    Modern Times, Epistles & Revelation with Visits to Asia (being written now).


    Ah, Ok.
    So, if I purchase a used copy(which I likely will) of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation &Epistles that is not updated ,then what would we use for geography?


    You can use Visits To… with an older guide. Simple replace the geography day written into the guide with Visits To…

    They guide schedules once/week and Visits To… is to be used once/week. It works out easily.


    If   you purchase a used guide, it will have geography lessons written in the guide.

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