We’re doing the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation module. He’s read or listened to:
Minstrel in the Tower
Adam of the Road
Castle Diary
Viking Adventure
Door in the Wall
Sword in the Tree
Leif the Lucky
What else can I give him to read on his own? He’s still pretty new to reading history books on his own, but is choosing to read them instead of his ‘fun exciting’ books because he ‘just has to know what happens next’. So, yay!!! Living books work. I just need to keep it going and I’m stumped.
I have my ds12 scheduled to read Otto of the Silver Hand by Pyle and The Trumpeter of Krakow by Eric Kelly after he is finished with a Landmark – Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde by Harold Lamb.
My son also really enjoyed Son of Charlemange by Barbara Willard, which I believe is a TQ recommendation. This is actually one of my son’s favorite reads so far this year.
Has he read any of the books recommended for grades 1-3? We typically read those as a family, but if he hasn’t read then yet, they are really good. My son loved Pippo the Fool, A Medieval Feast, and Journal of Tobias Burgess.