Michael Clay Thompson Language Arts – Opinions

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  • missceegee

    I am intrigued by this approach and just received the Level 2 Homeschool Package (Grammar Town, Practice Town, Caesar’s English I, Paragraph Town, & Building Poems). Upon first perusal it seems CM in some ways and more classical (trivium type) in others. I like that it covers grammar as a finite body (similar to AG & JAG). Caesar’s English is lots of Latin stems and words from classical literature, Paragraph Town looks most intense, Building poems points out the structural beauty of poetry (of which, I know nothing). 

    I have read raving reviews of MCTLA, but had never seen it. Seeing as I’m a touch it kind of gal, I ordered it to take a peek.

    I’m unsure whether I want to use some/all/none of it as of yet. I’ve never thought of using a vocab. program because our literature is so rich, but the approach of CE using Latin stems intrigues me. I like the look of 4-level analysis as opposed to traditional diagramming (I think). Building poems addresses things like meter, alliteration, etc. that I would never be able to address without some sort of guide. 

    I trust the narration (oral, written) process, we enjoy our poetry study, we learn lots of words through reading, but these materials do (again on first perusal) seem to add some things we would not otherwise get; if I decide we want to get those things.

    All that to say, have you seen it? Have you used it? What do you think of it?




    Rachel White

    I don’t think I will be as useful as you need. I haven’t seen the program, but I’ve heard good things about it for the most part. From what I’ve read at the WTM forum, it’s quite thorough. I think, w/your experience in CM methods, that you could possibly merge them into the program.

    I have decided to use the Poetry, Music of the Hemispheres part of the LA program. My children enjoy reading their poetry aloud, too;as well as enjoy listening. I want to take them deeper, though. I couldn’t do it myself and I looked at other Poetry programs and settled on this one. When I asked about it, the respondant said that it is short in it’s teaching time and isn’t as workbooky as one might suppose.

    If you do a search on MCT, the posts at WTM forum will come up, without you needing to become a memeber of it.

    Here’s the review at Cathy Duffy: http://cathyduffyreviews.com/grammar-composition/michael-clay-thompson-language-arts.htm




    Thanks, Rachel. I will check those spots for reviews too. I need to look over everything more thoroughly, but most seems very doable. I’m most unsure of Paragraph Town.

    Anyone else have an opinion?



    Just wondering if you did use the poetry section of this program??  I have a friend who loves this program (not sure which areas) and I could probably look at hers but was looking for your opinion as well.



    that is another one I also considered but it scares me a little in that it seems to require more time sitting w/him or them (don’t know if I would want to start my 5th grader to be on that too).

    I am hoping to spend least time possible on grammar and still have them learn!!



    I see you posted this a year ago.  Did you try to use it? If you did, why didn’t you stick with it? 



    I am interested in this as well. I looked at it but did not have enough time left in our year nor money in our budget to get it for my kids for this year but I am seriously thinking about it for next. I have a hard time with thouroughly understanding something (especially a more complex program such as this one) through just reading about it. I do much better with people being able to SHOW me how it works and being able to go through it personally, watch it being used, etc. So, I am familiar with it but do not understand enough to know if I should try all of it as a complete program with all kids (will be 7,9 and11) or just use some aspects of it and tweak it to fit a more CM style. It looks unlike any other LA curriculum I have ever seen. I would LOVE some feedback on this program as well!

    Listening with all ears,



    I seem to like everything about this but the price.  Why does everything have to be so expensive?   This coming year will be crazy.

    From what I’ve read and seen, this is not your average LA program and that is why it is costly. It takes money to create beautiful books. Also this program seems to encompass the actual study of language and teaching it in a creative way to a child (especially one who truly enjoys poetry, writing, etc). For instance, I could use this with all my kids of course but I really think it is worth my money for the children who aspire to be writers one day. And who knows, it may prove to inspire the lesser interested child to enjoy language learning too.

    Here are some short videos that might interest someone. I haven’t bought this program, but it is one I’m seriously considering for future.



    Dd12 tried the Peter Pan book and really disliked the flow of the story interrupted with literary explanations. I did not use the program fully, but sold it. I have heard and read great things, but it was just not for us (me). I discovered I like straightforward and written to the student materials.

    Sorry I’m not more help.



    I should add that I do like the looks of the materials, but the amount of teacher involvement doesn’t work for me in this season of life.

    I especially liked the looks of the poetry books and may use those in the future. For now dd12 is using rod and staff 5 to finish the year. It remains to be seen what we will use next year.

    Rachel White

    I never purchased the Poetry program due to cost (and frankly, not enough time in the schedule due to B’Nei Mitzvah training-which ends this year). I’d still love to use it, but the idea of a high-teacher intensive program is a turn off. I also need written to the student materials.

    I’ll be looking for other poetry studies, beyond just reading aloud, that the children can learn about the structures of various poetry types.


    I have to agree w/ the teacher intensive reasons for not using a program, but I am still interested in a poetry study, so if any of you have one, or end up w/ one, please let us knowSmile.


    I really don’t have time for teacher intensive either.  I need something open and go for my oldest especially. But I wish I did have the time and money for something like this.

    Rachel White

    I finally purchased the Building Poems for this coming year. I’m thinking that the best way to implement it is to have my children read a section and come narrate to me I don’t have the teacher’s guide (yet) and haven’t decided whether it will be necessary.

    I also refuse to buy two of them, so I only have one copy to use for two children.

    Our R & S also has poetry in it and may or may not skip – the two products approach the subject differently.

    It’s a short book – only having 127 pages to it and there’s not a lot of writing on each page. I bought the poetry analogy too which has the entire poem used in the first three books, so we can read the entire poems.

    So as you can tell, I’m still vague on application, so I’ll come back after we start implementing it. It won’t be used daily.

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