MFW Adventures is not getting done… what would you do?

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  • Amelia

    I need advice, please.  We have used MFW K, 1st, and I have Adventures in U.S. History that I had planned on completing this year.  Well, life has happened… a lot.  I went back to work in August, then picked up a temporary second job for a few months, and I’ll spare you the rest of the story.  We have struggled just to get the basics done, and are going to have to school through the summer.  My plan has been to finish MFW Adventures and then switch over to SCM History Modules.  I’ve already replaced several subjects in Adventures with SCM Enrichment Year 1, working toward a gradual switch over to mostly SCM materials.  The problem is that history is just not getting done.  My kids are excited about it and really want to be doing it.  I’m stretched so thin with work, I can’t seem to get to it.  As far as I can tell, here are my options:

    1.  Push through Adventures, make it a priority.  If any of you used it, loved it, and think it was your best year ever, I’d like to hear about that.

    2.  I also have Early American History from BF books (our library doesn’t have anything, and I was gifted this set to use as “book basket” along with Adventures.  I could ditch Adventures and just do BF Early American History.

    3.  Use “Planning Your CM Education” and set up my own plan using the books from MFW and BF.  Scary thought, but maybe if I plan it myself, it will get done.

    Ideas, thoughts, suggestions???  Thanks!


    I’m sorry this has been a hard year for your family. How old are your kids? If they are still elementary age, I wouldn’t worry too much about your missed history. I would just keep plugging along where you’re at, if you like the program.

    If you don’t like the program, switch to SCM and start where ever you like. 🙂



    Thanks for your suggestion!  My school age kids just turned 9 and 7 last month, and I have a 3-year-old tagging along.  We haven’t made it far enough in Adventures to even know if I like it or not.  Thinking back, we’ve always had a hard time getting started with MFW, but once we get going we like most of it.  I’m not a fan of their science choice, even though my kids like it, and I know I’m ready to move on to something else for sure after Adventures and have more flexibility and control.  For the same reason I like MFW, I also resent it.  The TM is great when I’m on track and following it, but it’s very guilt-inducing when I can’t keep up or even get to it.  Maybe I just need “permission” to walk away, forget the money spent, and start fresh?  After all, I have a great set of U.S. History books out of the deal, right?!?


    We used BF Early American History and loved it.  It is enough on its own.  Or just read those great books you have, trying to go in chronological order, and ask for oral narrations.  Done.  You could also use audio books for history since your time is limited.


    Thanks for the input!  I’m glad to hear you loved BF!  I’ll take a closer look at the BF Early American History Guide and seriously consider just doing that instead.  It’s great to hear what others have done or would do!


    In BF, my children each used a primary notebook journal with a blank area at the top for drawings.  I reduced the size of the d’Aulaire pictures to fit the page, and they did their copywork on the opposite page.  Other days they had drawings to go with the readings.  I remember one of the first lessons had our thumb prints.  They use some Scripture verses too.  It is a nice keepsake now.  We loved those d’Aulaire books, which are also used in SCM.


    I’m planning to use MFW Adventures this year, this will be my second time through it and I’m looking forward to it. I really like the program, but if you’re not getting to it just move on to BF. I’ve used the BF guides for older students and we’ve enjoyed those as well.

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