I posted on another thread that we switched from Rightstart to MEP to start out our school year (I tried Rightstart 1st which ds wasn’t in love with, then a few pages of MEP, which he seems to like quite a bit). He is 1st grade and I am starting him in MEP year 2a. Overall, I think this is the right level with him, but am having to slow down the lessons quite a bit to explain some concepts more thoroughly (like <,>, even, odd, etc…). At the pace I am going and with a plan to take rabbit trails off the written lesson plan here and there (for example, Roman numerals were introduced in level 1, and he hasn’t covered that yet, so since we are on the lesson that reviews Roman numerals I plan to take a day or two teach this), I might only get halfway through level 2 in one year, starting 2b for 2nd grade. I read from non-CM type boards and yahoo group that some parents take up to 45 minutes to go through the lesson, and I’ve been doing about 15 minutes, which will slow it down a bit as well.
I know this is fine, that he won’t be behind if I take the lessons at 1/2 pace of what was intended, and I believe level 2b teaches some concepts that I didn’t even touch until the end of 2nd grade in ps many moons ago. Just wondering, if this is on track for doing MEP the CM way or way too slow. We could do math twice a day if my plan to go more slowly is too slow, but we would have to drop an extracurricular like music or art to fit it in.
I’m interested as well. We started MEP today (thanks to your thread) and my 1st grader is in Y1, though much is review, and my 3rd grader is in Y2, where up to multiplication will be review. We will do MEP three days a week and LoF two days a week … we spent about 30 min today on our MEP lesson and that covered two lesson each, but again, it was very simple review, but very very good!
Doing MEP (or any material) in a CM format has much to do with the child doing his/her best and only pursuing the lesson while the student is actively engaged. Pushing past that point is not going to gain you ground as he/she is done absorbing. You might be able to check off the lesson box but you will be miles ahead if you only teach while the student is engaged. (Coming from someone who spent way too many years trying to teach way past the point of focused interest.)
Your student is going to move forward with MEP or any other curriculum at the pace in which he is ready. So no matter what program you use, the pace may be slower.
HiddenJewel, I’ve only been at this a couple of weeks, but you are SO RIGHT about teaching little while the student is engaged goes so much further than teaching much while he/she isn’t. I learned that last week when I saved math for the last lesson and he was just guessing at the answers, not understanding my explantions. Now we do math 1st when he is fully focused. So much better! I haven’t thought about ANY math program taking longer doing it the CM way, so I will give myself more grace as we work through it.
Suzuki mom, I hope to work my way up to 30 minutes of math, but as stated above, I’m finding whatever subject is 1st is what he gives his best effort at, fading as the morning progresses. I’m still experimenting, but I’m afraid if I spend longer on math right now, he’ll have less freshness left to give his best effort at reading or copywork. He is trying to improve and I am trying to be patient. I have to remember that is this new for both of us.
Erin.Kate, sounds like you and dc are doing a great job getting into the lessons. That is encouraging.
yes 30 min is pretty long for a year 1 student. But if you do the lesson plan there are many changes in activities and that made it not a problem for my kids. But yes, stop just before your kids are “done”
yes 30 min is pretty long for a year 1 student. But if you do the lesson plan there are many changes in activities and that made it not a problem for my kids. But yes, stop just before your kids are “done”
That’s one thing I like about MEP. You can vary the activity type so the student stays engaged longer.
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