Mentoring and Personal Development – 15 yo girl

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  • anniepeter

    This is one of those things I’ve been meaning to do and haven’t gotten to for too long.  I have Beautiful Girlhood, and that is where I wanted to start, but time has slipped by, the book has been lost about half the time with the 4 moves we’ve had and the excuses could go on, but why?!?  I am purposed naught shall hinder me now, but I’m not sure how/where to start since she is now 15.  Would you still start with Beautiful Girlhood, or is that going to be too childish now?  And if you were starting at this age, which books would top your list to encourage continual character development, and help her develop a courtship/betrothal mindset of her own?  And which ones would you want to read with her rather than having her read on her own?  She is a reluctant narrator at best, and will likely not be inclined to share openly with me what she is reading/thinking in this area.  I would like to do what I can to correct that, because it spells trouble for future relationships as well as the present.  She has come a long way in the last year, and I want to keep her growing, and our relationship growing, through the next few as well.


    Age 15 is not too old for Beautiful Girlhood. Others are: A Young Woman after God’s Own Heart, Becoming a Girl who Serves, Stepping Heavenward, and Of Knights and Fair Maidens.

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