I have recently started having some vision issues paired with headaches and dizziness (finally went to the doc last week so just starting to try and figure it out). Some days are better than others. There are time when I can’t read very well – the words move, jumble, jump out, etc. We get through spelling (Spelling You See) and math (CLE), but so much of the other subjects are literature based so I am struggling. At this point I don’t have any books on tape – I do have a DVD with hours of Early Am. History items on it, but no way to play it 🙁 I know I need to push through to a certain extent, but can only do so much. I would love some thoughts on how to continue on, getting done what we need to get done.
Oh, and my little ones are 3, 5, 7, 9 – I feel like that gives me some extra flexibility since they are younger, but then again, they aren’t to the point of being able to do a lot of it on their own (my oldest reads well, seems to retain a lot of what he reads, but has very poor writing/spelling skills so most things are done orally at this point as we work on the other basics).
I hope I posted this in the correct section, if not, my apologies.