Has anyone used the books by M.B Synge (reprinted by Yesterday’s Classics) as history spines in the elementary years? I like the “readability” of these books and their continuous story line. Is there any reason to avoid them (inaccuracies, etc.)?
I started with them because they were free online 🙂 Ambleside uses them as an alternative to A Childs History of the World. I really liked them, but ended up switching to the Hillyer book because the Synge books were so convincing my son would cry over the detailed descriptions of the deaths. He is very sensitive, and I thought the descriptions very tasteful and giving appropriate honor but it just made my 7yo cry because he felt like he truly knew the figure we were learning about from the narrative.
I switched to CHOW and it glosses over a bit more and he does better with it. I think they are probably better for slightly older elementary. – maybe 3rd -6th.
I was thoroughly engaged by them and will probably end up back with them at some point. Or just read them myself 🙂