Matthew/Ancient Rome Handbook PLUS TruthQuest

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Matthew/Ancient Rome Handbook PLUS TruthQuest

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  • Audrey

    Has anyone used them together? I’m excited about beginning TruthQuest, but I also LOVE Sonya’s books!



    I think they work perfectly together.  I simply highlight the books suggested by Sonya in pink, others I have on my shelves in orange, and books I would like to get through the library in yellow.  I like the commentary and writing prompts in Truthquest and the extra book suggestions because my kids are voracious readers.



    So you do follow the SCM Handbook and add in Truthquest as it fits?


    Well, we aren’t using that module, but we use TQ along with parts of Module 5. I just go to the commentary I want to use depending on the books we have. I have all of Module 5 for littles along with some of Queens. We are slowly working our way through. I think you can easily follow Sonya’s guide and pick up TruthQuest for more indepth discussion.

    Thanks for the TQ gadget. :o)


    That makes the most sense to me. Laughing

    … and You’re Welcome! Glad I could help.

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