Math-u-See, we need more review OR Teaching Textbooks, we need more practice

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    I switched dd12 and ds9 (almost 13 & 10) to math-u-see over a year ago and we backed up and began at Alpha. Dd12 is part way through Epsilon and ds9 just finished Gamma. Both have done well, but both need more review of topics taught previously.

    I gave them each placement tests from Teaching Textbooks yesterday. Ds9 placed into TT5 and did the sample lessons. He asked to switch to TT. He likes the variety and tends to grasp concepts easily. Dd12 took placement tests for TT7 and TT Pre-Algebra. She almost placed into both. She didn’t know the fraction or geometry questions bc we haven’t covered them. She had to really stop and think on long division. She got the questions right, but lamented that it’s been weeks since she has done much long division.

    I’m trying to think this through. I like the mastery approach of MUS, but I do wish there was a bit more review. (We use the review sheets, but sometimes, esp for dd, it isn’t enough). I LOVE the presentation of TT and the fact that a tutor walks them through every math problem. There have been several times I have to go through the mus book and DVD multiple times myself to understand how Mr. Demme teaches. It’s usually a great aha as to the why, but still a pain IMO. My issue with TT is that there may not be enough practice on new topics as they’re introduced.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that both are good solid programs that each have a weakness (for us). So my questions:

    1 – If you use teaching textbooks, what do you use to provide more practice when needed?

    2 – If you use MUS, what do you use to provide more review when needed?

    3 – anyone switched from MUS to TT and stuck with it? Please share.

    I’m leaning toward switching to TT because I like the tutor approach and I better understand how it teaches concepts. Dd12 has been a guinea pig and has tried many math programs. Rays (loved), math mammoth (hated), Singapore for K (fine), MUS (very good), TT (good). We would not like RS or MotL or other such programs. They simply aren’t a fit for us. Switching isn’t so good and can leave gaps, I know, but even I am growing weary of MUS monotony.




    TT may not provide enough practice initially, but I have found it to be a really solid program in the long-run.  DS has used it for TT7 and is 1/3 of the way through PreA.  Almost all of the PreA so far has been reviewing concepts he has already learned while the problems are getting consistently more difficult.


    I did use MUS with my younger son, but just until he was old enough to swtich to TT.  I liked MUS, but I really find the lessons in TT are more interactive.  It is very helpful with both of my kids that they have the TT lecture, my help, dad’s help, or Khan Academy if they are having difficulty understanding a concept.  I can see that my sons both naturally understand numbers in a way I didn’t as a child, so oftentimes my DH’s explanation is more helpful to them than mine.


    Anyway, my younger DS is halfway through TT4 and I don’t plan on switching next year.


    This may sound odd, but I have had my son go back through whole lessons/chapters at times (TTPreA) because of gaps from earlier math programs.  He likes the TT set up and it works well for him.  It’s “usually” more to do with his concentration than actually not understanding/remembering how to work a problem.  That said, I had him run through on multiplication/division facts a few chapters into PreA because he was complaining that it was taking so long.  That helped.  Fractions slowed him down as he hadn’t had enough practice prior to TT (read long 3 month summer break….WHY!?!?)  So, he worked the problems over and over.  Listened to a couple of lessons over and over.  “Taught” to me a few times and had an “AHA” moment one afternoon when Dad taught him some trick that, of course, I don’t understand.  Heh.

    Our older kids used Saxon with the Robinson Curriculum for quite a while.  Our family learned about oral self-teaching.  It works great (when you remember to have them do it).  This is where they find a quiet spot and pretend to teach a class the lesson at hand.  It forces them to say things out loud and concentrate on steps.  Might be worth a shot.  Son using TTPreA has done that, too, but mainly by “teaching” me. 

    Maybe some help, I hope.


    FWIW, my son doesn’t want to switch from TT.


    Thank you, I appreciate the feedback.


    I haven’t used MUS, but I am using TT3 with my daughter & she loves it, but it is concentrating on multipllication & division etc. & she was watching her brother doing his Horizons 2 math and decided she wanted to do that too. So she is doing a second grade level Horizons, which is a sprialing method for keeping concepts learned going & not too too hard that she gets frustrated and I have her only do the odd or the evens etc., not all of them & she does a TT3 lesson and I have her doing for facts drill, but not all together. Horizons worksheet is really done like a “homework” sheet. 

    My son doesn’t like any math curriculums – he like LOF, but he can’t do it on his own & it is so out f the box that I can’t just do it. It is our friday easy math lesson, but he tried Ray’s finally has decided that he will stick vwith Horizon this year afterall since he has progressed more with it, but I did compromise for a while & let him do odds while combining with ray’s etc. I will try & switch him to TT3 next year, but if we stay with Horizons, then we stay. because Horizons is constantly spiraling through all the concepts, I don’t feel he needs more review, but it doesn’t have the nice tutor and lesson teaching, so I started watching for new concepts in Horizons & having him watch teaching lesson videos off of Kahn academy site. it is a lot of teacher prep & I prefer TT!!

    I am really seeing my daughter getting a good solid math education and the more she progresses, the more she likes math.


    We really like TT! My dh is a math professor, and he likes the spiral approach. He says too many public school students do not get enough review! You were asking about what do you do for more practice. Since TT is a spiral approach, there’s lots of practice, albeit it may come in later lessons. So if you didn’t quite understand it in previous lessons, it appears again! You can also go back and redo lessons. And in the lessons themselves, lots of problems are given. There is also a workbook that corresponds w/ the lessons. Other than that, if they are having a problem with understanding something, then I will come in beside them and work the problems through. We have also used Khan as well as online games.  


    When we used TT (which I really liked), I would often have my kids do a half-page of “warm-ups” using a Saxon facts/practice sheet appropriate for their level.  In case you haven’t used Saxon, they have a book of consumable practice sheets to go with each level, up through 8/7 (I think).  The older versions were reproducibles, which is easier on the budget if you can find one. We would stretch each consumable out for 2 years by doing only half a page at a time.  This was very helpful for providing extra practice, and was fairly painless for both them and me!  I do think TT is a great program.



    Christie, the title of your post was bang-on for me just about 1 year ago, with DS10 and DS9.  Then I read your details and started nodding even more!  I will share my experience….we are an enthusiastic TT family now and life has NEVER been better!

    What you are saying about your MUS experience is exactly what I was going through.  In theory I LOVED (still love) the idea of a mastery based program; I had heard such wonderful things about MUS and yet just couldn’t get over the fact that we had several instances of stuff not “sticking”, particularly for my DS9.  I don’t know if it was due to lack of review or just the lack of ability to connect with the way the concept was being taught, but it was frustrating to depart for a little while from something we’d “mastered” only to come back a month or two later with a deer-in-the-headlights look.  I also loathed the fact that I was having to watch the DVD several times myself in order to “get” the way Mr. Demme was teaching in order to offer support.  I often had an “ah ha” moment once I got it, but it was an extra step that really began to weigh on my time and patience.

    We moved to TT almost a year ago and we could not be happier with the change.  The tutor approach is fantastic.  Math concepts are explained to make things VERY clear and simple.  We have gone through TT3 through TT5 and I have not heard “but I don’t get it” even ONCE.  Even if your child happens to have a moment of blanking out during the 5 minute lecture, it’s as simple as pulling back the scroll button to hear/see it again on the computer screen.  And of course, the most brilliant part of all is the fact that the student gets the “see how it’s done” mini-tutorial right at the very moment he’s made the mistake; when the child makes an error they don’t get to just throw it aside…the issue or the gap they have on that concept is dealt with immediately.  I think this feature has made all the difference for my kids.  The gaps have completely disappeared.

    Okay, now to address your question above on new concepts….that there may not be enough practise on new concepts once they are introduced.  I worried about this at first, too.  If you are watching the produce demo’s I can see where you may have this concern as it would be appear that when a new concept is introduced the child gets only 5 practise questions (A through E) before the main lesson begins.  You can’t really look at the practise of the new concept as being limited to this first set of practise questions though.  This program REALLY spirals.  The child continues the practise of the new concept again the next day and the next, though it might be appearing in the “main lesson” (numbered) section of the lesson.  So, while a new concept is introduced, let’s say, in lesson 10 lecture, and is practised in lesson 10 questions A through E, that same skill/concept is put to the student again in lesson 11 questions 1-5, lesson 12 questions 1-5, lesson 13 questions 1-4, lesson 14 question 1-4, lesson 15 question 1-3… you get the idea.  The amount of practise depends on the complexity of the concept … it varies, but I can assure you the student IS getting a lot of practise, sometimes for weeks of even months at a time.  My testimony on this is pretty enthusiastic because while my DS10 is naturally stronger in math, DS9 is less so, and this program is working brilliantly for both of them.  Even DS9 is retaining, has no gaps, and has been scoring in the 90s almost daily for the past year!  This tells me that despite what I might worry about in terms of practise, or amount of drill – clearly the program has been designed well, and has the bases covered for long term retention and true understanding of concepts.

    All this said, I am kind of a cover-all-bases TWICE sort of person.  (leftover trauma from my own childhood math struggles!!)  We have used a few resources for extra practise, but in truth this is more for my own piece of mind versus any evidence of a gap or serious need.  We have used xtramath for math facts drill, along with cardboard flashcards and most recently the Flashmaster handheld gizmo which covers addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  We also use a series called Focus on Problem Solving (a Cathy Duffy recommendation).  I went ahead with this series (short booklets, 1 page 2-3x per week) because I liked the fact that although it’s just a workbook, every page has a little teaching section/commentary explaining HOW to break down word problems into a set-by-set process.  I do own another short booklet series called Key to Fractions, Key to Decimals, Key to Percentages which I’ve not yet had to use but have in my back pocket so to speak in case we run into “but-I-don’t-get-it” for any of these areas, or if I really feel we need the extra practise.  (I stumbled onto the books through a strong recommendation and had a chance to get them easily with no shipping, so jumped on it…but haven’t needed this yet)

    Placement coming out of MUS –  I’ve had some learning on this as well.  I tend to be cautious on placement whenever we try something new as I don’t want my boys to feel overwhelmed, or hit a gap early on.  I can tell you that with TT there is no need to be overly cautious.  I started with TT3 thinking that because we’d done MUS and hadn’t had any exposure to certain concepts it would be best to take a step back.  Now that I have seen all the lessons and lectures for TT3, TT4 and most of TT5, I know for certain there is no need for a new TT student to take a step back, because in each year there is review of the core concept teaching for most skills.  For example, multiplication is introduced in TT3 – conceptual teaching so that the child understands the concept that 3 x 4 is the same as 3 groups of 4 within each.  When TT4 comes to multiplication the core concept teaching is presented again before they begin practise.  I suppose some kids might be put off that that they’re being “re-taught” but my DC were not offended in the least…and the lecture format for TT4 varies somewhat from TT3, so even when a concept is “re-taught” it definitely looks fresh and different in the new level.  Again, my DC are NEVER tired of this program, so I’ve not heard a complaint about anything, and certainly not about re-visits on lectures.  All this said I certainly think you would be fine to put your DS9 into TT5.  I’m probably not qualified to make a guess on whether your DS12 should be TT7 or TT pre-algebra, but if it were me…for that level, I might be tempted to begin at TT7 (again, I am cautious by nature) and hopefully she sails through, nails down this “new” way of doing her math and gets herself into TT Pre-Algebra in no time anyway.  When I started my DS10 a level “lower” that he probably should have been he enjoyed it thoroughly anyway, and often just took it upon himself often to do two lectures a day sometimes.  He did an entire year in six months.  I plan to start DS6.5 in TT3 when he’s in second grade and I know he’ll do fine.

    Last point on the logistics of how we do it.  You’ll see comments on the internet and even in the workbook about how to implement computer versus workbook or whether to combine them together.  Here’s what we do:  Child sits at computer with headphones on.  Child watches lecture (5-6 minutes), and works through all problems in the lesson – at the computer – typing in the correct answers.  Child has scratch paper to do rough work before typing in correct answer.  When child gets an answer wrong he MUST say yes to the offer to make the second attempt.  If answer is still wrong, he MUST watch the “see how to do it” (on my teacher account I am able to view whether he actually watched it).  An entire lesson on the computer is usually completed within 15 minutes, occasionally 20 minutes and we usually do it first thing in the morning.  From there, we move to spelling, or a reading/narration, or some other completely non-mathy subjects for the rest of the morning.  Then, first thing after break (or lunch) child does the lesson in the workbook.  I know that many parents have their kids fill in the workbook answers at the same time as they are doing the computer portion, but I liked the idea of two sit-downs per day with math, particularly as it forces them to use different senses, work their brain on math at different times of day, etc.  I mark the workbook using the answer key at the end of the day, or each evening, and so I get to see what they’re doing and how well they’re doing.  If, while I’m marking the workbook, I see more than 3 errors, I make them re-watch the lecture the next day before they begin the new lesson (and I will sit and watch it with them at that point and we’ll do the practise problems together on a whiteboard and do the corrections from the day prior).  Most often this step doesn’t even happen because I think my DC have only scored below 90% once or twice in the whole time we’ve been doing TT!

    All the all, I can’t say enough (can you tell?) about this program.  My entire teaching day has changed thanks to our switch to TT:   my own stress level on teaching math has pretty much completely disappeared, my kids are thrilled with the independence and the variation, and because it’s just so EASY (for me) to assign math (I don’t have to prep anyway) we never have those missed days that we used to deal with if we had too much going on to do our MUS lessons.  Even when life is insane (holidays, co-op, company coming over, whatever) they’ll get up in the morning and just do their math – and I know it’s sounds too good to be true, but 99% of the time they do it happily and without even a raised eyebrow.   It is hands-down the best change I have ever made (no, I don’t work for the company!)

    Good luck with thinking it through, Christie and hope I’ve helped!

    Blessings,  Angie



    Thanks everyone. I think I’ll order the TT programs and supplement with more practice as needed. Both kids have their facts down, so adding some extra problem practice when needed shouldn’t be overload.




    Wow – thanks everyone, I really enjoyed reading about how TT works. I am going to look at this program again for my son.

    My daughter has had such success with MUS that I thought I had found the perfect program but for my son, not so much…

    As to review with MUS – we have started keeping a math journal. It is a composition book that she keeps at her desk, and whenever we get to a concept that she is not 100% solid on – say dividing fractions, for instance – we go to the computer, find out how to do it (doing a few practice problems), print out an explanation (you could have student write it out) and paste it in our book. We usually write out an example problem. We add it to the table of contents in our journal, and whenever she gets uncertain, she looks it up in the journal. This method seems to be helping her retention, also giving her the power and responsibility to learn what she needs to in order to progress. Often it seems that just the process of going through the explanation and adding the topic to the journal is enough to cement the concept.

    She is 13 and doing MUS Algebra 1 right now – we have been using math journal technique for about a year.


    Angie, you were posting as I did yesterday. Thanks for that detail! Let me ask, are the problems in the book the exact same ones from the program? Or simply similar?

    Thanks everyone. It really helps to talk it out here.


    Book problems and computer problems are identical for the new version of TT3. In fact, she has done the problems in the book and then entered them into the computer, but only did this for a few days and decided just to do them on the computer. I see where some people have said it is important for the student to write the problems and show their work and that it helps to retain the information and I’m sure they are right, but for now, TT3 works for my daughter. She does have scratch paper to work out the problems if she needs to, but she is mainly doing it mentally. 

    Hope that answered your ? 


    Yes, cdm2kk, thank you! I wish there were some printables to go along with lessons when needed, but I think I can make it work. 

    For dd12, we are going to spend the next 4 months covering fractions and decimals and then hop into pre-algebra. DS9 will start with TT5 when it arrives. 

    I greatly appreciate everyone’s input. It has been most helpful.



    We use TT much like Angie. If they get a problem wrong they need to watch the ‘how to’. They do all their work on a Boogie Board which keeps the area uncluttered. We require a 90% on each lesson – I go in and delete the ones they got wrong and they do those over. If they get 85% or less they do the whole lesson over. If there is a type of problem they are struggling with we pull out the manual and work some problems together. One son was ‘dying’ with fractions. DYING. He kept watching the lectures, correcting his problems, and within a week or two he was a complete pro and laughs about how ‘easy’ they are now.

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