Math U See time question

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  • Missy OH

    For those of you using Math-U-See could you tell me how long your children spend on math lessons a day at what level?  Or is there somewhere on the Math-U-See website that lists this?  Thank you!  Blessings, Missy


    My ODS (2nd grade) is in Gamma and it takes him 10-15 minutes to do one lesson. If I offer to time him he will often finish in under 10 minutes since he likes to race the clock.

    My DD (4th grade) is in Delta and it takes her 10-15 min to do one lesson.

    We do one lesson (work sheet)/day. Sometimes we don’t do all the practice lessons (A, B, C) it just depends if they are all needed for practicing the new concept; but we do all the review lessons (D, E, F) and always the test page since it is another review page.

    When I say “lesson” I mean one full worksheet


    Currently I have kids doing the following MUS, with their usual time spent on 1 page:

    Alpha (6 year old) – 5-10 minutes

    Gamma (8 year old) – 10 minutes

    Epsilon (10 year old) – 20-30 minutes

    Epsilon (11 year old) – 20-30 minutes

    Algebra 1 (14 year old) – 30-45 minutes

    Now, if they are dawdling then all bets are off.  My 10 year old can sometimes drag out a page over 2 hours.  She knows that it has to be done, and that she is choosing to not stay on task, so she knows not to complain about it.  Some days she just buckles down and does the page quickly, some days not.

    Missy OH

    I responded to both of you but it didn’t go through so I will try again.

    Those are great time allotments!  We’ve been using Saxon/Singapore for 13 years and I’m tired.  I need a change.  Let’s just say Saxon takes MUCH more time.

    A few more questions.  Do you watch the video with your student?  Do you watch and then teach your student? Or do you allow them to watch the video lesson independently?



    The kids watch the video. I try to watch with DD since she is the oldest and I want to stay consistent with the methods he is using. Since I watched the videos already (last year with DD), I usually have ODS watch his with out me because he watches is before I get there, LOL.

    I really don’t have to help them at all, or have to teach them. Sometimes after the video, on the first lesson (A) I have to walk through the steps, but often they understand pretty easily his methods. I know that can always change so am ready to help them as needed.

    So far the methods that he uses make so much sense to me! I grew up being HS’ed and doing Saxon and while I did really well it took forever. MUS just makes sense and I feel like I am learning math all over again and it is finally “easy” where as with Saxon I felt like I never really mastered it.


    I wanted to add that we often skip problems especially when it gets to long division. I’d rather have them do 2 or 3 problems correctly than get overwhelmed by a page full of them.


    No video for anyone but the child doing Algebra 1.  And we only do that video if I think it will help me explain it (aka – I need it explained to me too!).


    I have my DC watch the video.  I watch along if I need to.  I almost always watch with the oldest, but sometimes want to re-fresh the lesson with the younger DC.   If it’s a lesson I feel comfortable teaching, we may skip the video.

    Our lesson times are similar to ones already posted.  Like Nebby mentioned, we skip problems or do 1/2 page when we get to things like long division.  The MUS books get more challenging towards the end of each book, so we usually have to slow down during the 2nd half of the book.

    I usually allow 30 minutes for math time, before we move on to another subject.  That gives me extra time for helping them.  If they aren’t finished, they work on it again in the afternoon.


    Did you all mean one letter (as in 1A-1B etc..) or one page?

    I have always done at least 2 pages. The time taken varies depending on the lessons.


    We do one page (front and back) per day. 1A is a page
    we do not finish in a year but it works nicely because then we can continue into the summer a few days/week and not “forget” everything before school starts in the fall.


    We’ve always used a timer for math lessons: 20 minutes in lower elementary years and slowly working up to 45 minutes a day in high school.

    My daughter is in Pre Algebra now and she spends 40 minutes a day. We school year round taking time off as needed, and we always end up doing more days of school than the public school system. It might take us from June to June instead of August through May but we still finish a textbook each year. Then we take a week off from math and start on the next year’s math text.

    I love the timer method. If the lesson is easy, my daughter might do 3 or 4 pages in 1 day and if it is difficult, she might only get through 1 page, sometimes even less than that. It all evens out in the end. 🙂

    My daughter watches the dvd lessons with me.

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