FS: Math-U-See Manipulative Sets + More

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch FS: Math-U-See Manipulative Sets + More

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  • Lindsay

    Please email me at lhorvath83 at yahoo dot com if you’re interested. Thanks!

    MUS manipulative sets: I have two 88-piece sets for sale.

    Each set comes with: 5 hundreds, 21 tens, 5 nines-sixes, 7 fives, 5 fours-twos, and 20 ones. Both also have the Decimal Street map. ONE of the sets only has 19 ones (I’m sure my 3-year-old has something to do with that!).

    $40 each or both for $70.

    Skip count + addition facts songbook and CD: $5

    Primer teacher manual, DVD, and student workbook: $45. The student workbook does have some missing pages. We did up to lesson 17 but did not use each page for most lessons. The ones that are missing the most pages are from the beginning of the book and it is VERY basic (counting from 1-10, writing numbers, etc). I believe you can download additional worksheets for each lesson off the MUS website for free or find a supplement on Pinterest. If you have more questions about the student workbook I am happy to answer them.

    Shipping will depend on how many items you purchase.


    All items are SOLD.

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