My dd, almost 6, will be needing a math program soon. I’ve been doing some Professor B math with her, and she really knows a lot of basic adding because of it. So would starting out at first grade with Math U See be ok, or should I begin with Kindergarten level?
By Kindergarten level do you mean the primer, and Alpha for first grade? My daughter is also 6 and knows how to add fairly well, we started in Alpha and she’s whizzing through it which your daughter probably will too, but will slow down about halfway when it gets harder. We’ve always skipped the Primer, because some of it is very advanced for a Kindergartner in my opinion, and there is so much repetition in Alpha so we just do Alpha.
Also, we use overhead sheets with dry erase markers in our workbooks, then reuse them for following children to save money.
I’d go right to Alpha and just make sure she is memorizing those math facts – it makes ALL the difference as you progress – spend a great deal of time memorizing and reviewing and go right through the summer to ensure she doesn’t forget them.
Yep, I agree, go for Alpha. I’ve used Primer with 2 children and a third is using it now. It has been used more because they wanted to do math than because they needed it. Just a slow, gentle introduction, and one I like. Right now I have a K and a 1st grader using Alpha, with a just turned 4 year old about halfway through Primer (he insisted he could do it and is right, he just ‘gets’ math). I also have a 10 year old 5th grader in Delta. She started Alpha in 3rd grade (switching from a failed 3 years of Saxon) and it’s been essential to take the time mastering facts.