Math – short lessons vs. finishing

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  • MrsB

    We are doing Singapore 3A with my 8yo and 9yo. The 9yo works slowly, but is bright. He’s just S…L…O…W. He’s younger brother is ahead of him in reading, etc. I have them together Math, because its easier for me. We’ve hit some harder material, and sometimes they take longer than 20 minutes to do a lesson. How do I balance the need for short lessons, with the desire to get through the material in a reasonable manner?

    This boys are my 3rd and 4th, and we were more relaxed with my older two. I’m wanting to change that, making sure that we are vigorous (but gentle) with our educational pursuits. So, with math, I’m just a bit stumped. Set a timer or make them finish the lesson?

    Richele Baburina

    Hi Mrs. B,

    That’s so great that your boys can do their math lesson together. There is genuine strenuous mental work going on with math, even when it is interesting. If Singapore is worksheet based, then you are adding in the physical/mental labor of writing as well. From Year 3 to 4 marked the jump in Charlotte’s schools from 20 minute lessons in numbers to 30 minute arithmetic lessons but even then, the final five minutes were given to rousing mental math drill, meaning a 15-25 minute main-lesson tops. I’m just letting you know the schedule in CM’s schools, I’m not in any way suggesting your older son must have the longer lesson, you know your boys. Even in high school, math lessons were never more than 30 lessons in her schools.

    The idea is to stop before fatigue or boredom (or both) sets in.  Math lessons were usually followed up with Swedish Drill – some very silly Swedish Drill in the younger years (Sonya’s written a blog post on Swedish Drill and you can download a book for free) or Singing. We play “Simon Says” or sing whichever hymn we’ve been working on.  This will give your children the rest from using the part of the brain that was used during arithmetic.

    Keeping any lesson short, even when the children beg to continue is really a good idea in any subject.  If the interest was there when the lesson is put away, the interest will be there when it is picked up the following day.



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