Math shark for math facts

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  • Anyone tried this electronic game for math facts? I’ve heard it’s been successful for many who are still learning their facts.×37&qid=1344997463&sr=8-1


    Wow!  Are they still making this?  Much improved, I’m sure.  My oldest (22) used it and it may still be lying around.  He enjoyed it and would try to beat his time but more as a video game challenge than actually learning anything.  I’m not sure how much it helped his facts but it did give him an excuse to play a game.  Smile

    That doesn’t sound hopeful for learning facts at all! Lol

    Anyone else have other electronic game suggestions that actually help a child get fast with facts. I don’t want to spend a lot of money though! My dd6 is getting better everyday with her facts, but I think a game toy would be even more fun to add to her learning.



    For computer, Quarter Mile Math:


    We use the Math shark here (I found it used).  My Ds loves it and he is getting faster with his facts.  We also use flashcards and calculadders, so that he has to write them as well.  I’m saving for a flashmaster.

    Flashmaster looks good. I remember learning spelling words on an electronic game (many years ago! 🙂 and I know it helped me become a great speller. I was thinking this would be helpful with math as well.

    Thanks for the input!

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