Math Questions – MUS, LOF, Key To…

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  • missceegee

    My 12 yo dd is finishing MUS Delta and LOF Jelly Beans in the next week or so. I would really love to get her through Fractions & Decimals in 7th grade to make more advanced science courses an option for her. 

    She loves Fred, but it would not be enough (at least the elementary series wasn’t) practice most likely.

    She loved MUS at first, but now does it just because. 

    I’ve never used Key To, but it looks interesting. 

    I’m looking for opinions on how best to get through these topics in a year.




    My oldest is using Key To and many of my hs moms like it, too.  It’s all-inclusive, explanations on the same sheet as practice pages, it seems anyway.  The workbooks are pretty thin…probably gives the feeling of getting through the text at a faster pace. 

    There’s probably more to it than that, meaning, more components you can order, but we just have the workbooks for Fractions…my son needed the review.  I believe he’s on to decimals, but I’d have to check.  He will begin MUS pre-algebra this month; his first time with MUS.  We’ll see how it goes.


    Hi Christie,

    My oldest used the Key To series for fractions along with the BArron’s Painless Fractions book. Because that was 12 years ago, I don’t remember details, but I do remember that she didn’t hate Key To and it seemed to work for her. She had a lot of trouble with math. My 11 & 12 year old have completed LOF Fractions and are working on Decimals and Percents now. We have supplemented both with the Strayer Upton tan book. They needed quite a bit of extra practice with Fractions, but neither seems to need it with Decimals and Percents. I think that is because they are learning how to learn from LOF and are getting used to the self teaching method. At least that’s what I am hoping. 🙂

    I just thought I would mention this because I thought I remembered you talking about using Strayer Upton before.


    Have you looked at Math Mammoth? You can buy the whole curriculum by year, or you can buy just the topics that you need. You could buy the decimals and percents, as well as the fractions, and just do those and get through it in a year, I’m sure. The lesson quality is good, as far as I am concerned. We used it for 5th and 6th grade math.



    I have used MM in the past, but MUS has been a better fit. I’m just unsure we can make it through MUS epsilon and zeta in a year. Hmm.


    OK, I think I’ve come to a conclusion. We will continue with MUS and do our best to get through Epsilon & Zeta in one year.

    We will do 1 new sheet per day until mastery and then 1 review sheet per day until mastery and then the test. Fractions will be harder than decimals for her. 

    I will simply put Fred aside for now or else give it to her for fun. 


    My 11yo is just finishing up Gamma.  I’m hoping to get through 2 levels this year (Delta & Epsilon), but I’m not sure if that will work…I’d at least like to get partway through Epsilon.  She hasn’t been thrilled with any math, but doesn’t actually cry over MUS.  Embarassed  My main math goal for her is to get through Algebra II by graduation…With this in mind, I don’t feel so far behind with her.  

    Here are a couple ideas I have for this year.  I was on the Yahoo MUS group and noticed many schedule worksheets A & D on day 1, B & E on day 2, etc.  I think that might help us move a bit faster.  We’d been doing them in order (A&B on day 1, C&D on Day 2, etc.), but with this other way, I would feel better about skipping worksheets since they’d be doing the review ones earlier in the week and not waiting to the end of the week.  I’ve also noticed most families skip the tests.  We’d been doing them, but by that point, they usually have it down…we’ll probably do fewer tests next year.


    That is a good idea, HollyS. I’m going to try this.


    We’ve always done a new worksheet (ABC) with a review worksheet (DEF) until long division and then we slowed. DD12 completed Alpha – Delta this school year. Moving on when mastered.

    I will either continue doing what we’ve been doing or will switch to ABCDEF, moving on immediately when 1 new sheet is mastered to a review sheet and moving on when mastered. 

    Same thing, sort of.

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