math problem

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  • petitemom

    My son has been stuck in math first in divisions, then in fractions. We were using MUS and switched to LOF. He was as stuck in fractions w/LOF. We are now back to MUS using only the test book and he seems to be finaly getting it. He told me today that he prefers MUS.

    The problem is, he is in 8th grade, going to private school next year. I would need to finish decimals and pre-algebra before next fall.

    If we keep going through both summers would you think it is possible to complete both w/MUS?


    My daughter and I made a math schedule on a calendar to see how long her math text would take. It was quite effective in motivating her to stay on track. Maybe you could use these dated pages to plot your MUS plan.

    Also if your child is going to a private school, you may want to use Saxon 87 which has both fractions, decimals, and lots of pre-algebra with built in review. I resisted Saxon for so long, but I finally pulled it out for my daughter when she hit Algebra 2. She really excelled quickly using Saxon with the DIVE cds. 


    thanks Janell, I didn’t think of Saxon but it might also be an option, I know that is what the school will be using.


    We divide tasks by week or day so we’re on top of when something needs to be done. I was going to suggest Saxon 87 as well.

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