Math on the Level and Math Lessons For A Living Education

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  • Does anyone use MOTL with the organizer?

    Update that I love MOTL. We haven’t used it yet but after reading through it I know he will love it. I will still use math u see videos from time to time. He understands math like his father, which is more like math u see and it does help me explain it sometimes as I see math differently. He loves games and the idea of doing 5 questions and rotating them is great!


    We have the entire MOTL set and love it.

    I did take it all apart and put it in one notebook (very large 4-inch binder).

    I love several things:

    No more endless worksheets of problem after problem. If they know it, they know it.

    Continual review (or after they have it mastered, no need to continue).

    Very cost-efficient (we have 5 … so far … and if I use it with all of them through 7th/8th grade … well that is one cheap math curriculum).

    Works well beside anything else (if you want to supplement, no problem).

    The sky is the limit. You don’t have to buy expensive manipulatives. Many ideas use coins/bills and suggest the use of lego bricks, beans, rocks, etc. (things you already have).

    You can teach multiple children the same concept. The book is not divided by grades/abilities but by concepts. Teach it to them when they are ready.

    The book comes with practice problems (and answers Smile), so if you are like me (not a math person) you don’t have to come up with your own.

    5 problems per day per child (you can have your older children check their own work or you can, but with that few grading is not a big deal). So this helps in the time dept.


    As for the time involved, it is more time-consuming but I don’t really use the record-keeping to the extent they suggest. I save the papers they do and keep a running list of concepts I want to teach. As we teach them, check the box. I can pencil in how often to review this concept (and change that as needed).

    Hope this helps and I highly recommend the yahoo group. The owner will answer any quesitons you may have. They also have a 60-day trial period. You can read more about this on their website.

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